Indyindeed has designed 4 levels in official or community level packs
Chip's Challenge Level Pack 5
Number | Title |
41 | The Dividing Line |
55 | Dauntless Extraction |
Chip's Challenge 2 Level Pack 1
Number | Title |
61 | Broken Railyard |
129 | Small Matters |
- 19-Jul-2024: Set a new score bold (b+20) on CC2LP1 Steam level 12: Spreading Like Wildfire
- 19-Jul-2024: Set a new time bold (b+3) on CC2LP1 Steam level 177: The Wrong Direction
- 19-Jul-2024: Set a new score bold (b+30) on CC2LP1 Steam level 177: The Wrong Direction
- 25-Feb-2024: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2LP1 Steam level 155: Number Field
- 08-Feb-2024: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2LP1 Steam level 108: Virtue Is Its Own Reward
- 08-Feb-2024: Set a new score bold (b+20) on CC2LP1 Steam level 108: Virtue Is Its Own Reward
- 08-Feb-2024: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2LP1 Steam level 111: Ruin Rush
- 08-Feb-2024: Set a new score bold (b+80) on CC2LP1 Steam level 111: Ruin Rush
- 07-Feb-2024: Set a new time bold (b+5) on CC2LP1 Steam level 140: Title Deferred
- 07-Feb-2024: Set a new score bold (b+30) on CC2LP1 Steam level 140: Title Deferred
- 06-Feb-2024: Set a new time bold (b+6) on CC2LP1 Steam level 151: No Swap Zone
- 06-Feb-2024: Set a new score bold (b+20) on CC2LP1 Steam level 151: No Swap Zone
- 06-Feb-2024: Confirmed a time bold (569) on CC2LP1 Steam level 153: Slow-Motion Hallway Fight Sequence
- 06-Feb-2024: Confirmed a score bold (82190) on CC2LP1 Steam level 153: Slow-Motion Hallway Fight Sequence
- 04-Feb-2024: Confirmed a time bold (435) on CC2LP1 Steam level 98: Gentlemen's Club
- 04-Feb-2024: Confirmed a score bold (53350) on CC2LP1 Steam level 98: Gentlemen's Club
- 04-Feb-2024: Set a new time bold (b+2) on CC2LP1 Steam level 124: Waterfall
- 04-Feb-2024: Set a new score bold (b+50) on CC2LP1 Steam level 124: Waterfall
- 01-Feb-2024: Confirmed a score bold (100410) on CC2 Steam level 195: Spare Me
- 29-Jan-2024: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2 Steam level 136: Big House
- 28-Jan-2024: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2 Steam level 172: Campgrounds
- 28-Jan-2024: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2 Steam level 172: Campgrounds
- 24-Jan-2024: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2LP1 Steam level 53: In a Minefield
- 24-Jan-2024: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2LP1 Steam level 53: In a Minefield
- 24-Jan-2024: Confirmed a time bold (98) on CC2LP1 Steam level 53: In a Minefield
- 24-Jan-2024: Confirmed a score bold (27480) on CC2LP1 Steam level 53: In a Minefield
- 26-Aug-2023: Confirmed a time bold (341) on CC2LP1 Steam level 182: Two Minds
- 26-Aug-2023: Confirmed a score bold (94410) on CC2LP1 Steam level 182: Two Minds
- 13-Mar-2023: Set a new time bold (b+2) on CC2 Steam level 170: Practice to Perfect
- 13-Mar-2023: Set a new score bold (b+20) on CC2 Steam level 170: Practice to Perfect
- 13-Mar-2023: Set a new time bold (b+2) on CC2 Steam level 188: Clone
- 13-Mar-2023: Set a new score bold (b+20) on CC2 Steam level 188: Clone
- 07-Mar-2023: Confirmed a time bold (386) on CC2 Steam level 176: Line and Sinker
- 07-Mar-2023: Set a new score bold (b+80) on CC2 Steam level 176: Line and Sinker
- 02-Mar-2023: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2 Steam level 158: No Easy Task
- 02-Mar-2023: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2 Steam level 158: No Easy Task
- 01-Mar-2023: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2 Steam level 158: No Easy Task
- 01-Mar-2023: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2 Steam level 158: No Easy Task
- 26-Feb-2023: Set a new time bold (b+3) on CC2LP1 Steam level 115: Cheese
- 26-Feb-2023: Set a new score bold (b+30) on CC2LP1 Steam level 115: Cheese
- 13-Feb-2023: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CCLP2 Lynx level 136: Switch Hit
- 27-Jan-2023: Confirmed a time bold (250) on CCLP4 Lynx level 2: Pixelated Fire
- 23-Jan-2023: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2 Steam level 30: Inlay
- 23-Jan-2023: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2 Steam level 30: Inlay
- 22-Jan-2023: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2 Steam level 57: Monty Haul
- 18-Aug-2022: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2 Steam level 195: Spare Me
- 15-Aug-2022: Confirmed a time bold (279) on CC2 Steam level 110: Flea Market
- 15-Aug-2022: Confirmed a score bold (57790) on CC2 Steam level 110: Flea Market
- 13-Aug-2022: Set a new time bold (b+130) on CC2LP1 Steam level 190: Blocko's Modern Life
- 13-Aug-2022: Set a new score bold (b+1300) on CC2LP1 Steam level 190: Blocko's Modern Life
- 13-Aug-2022: Set a new score bold (b+90) on CC2LP1 Steam level 138: Greedy Twin
- 07-Jun-2021: Set a new time bold (b+2) on CCLP3 Lynx level 116: Mini Challenges
- 19-Apr-2021: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CCLP4 Lynx level 30: Hoodwinked
- 12-Jan-2021: Confirmed a time bold (412) on CC2LP1 Steam level 22: Wire You Doing This
- 12-Jan-2021: Confirmed a score bold (16060) on CC2LP1 Steam level 22: Wire You Doing This
- 12-Jan-2021: Set a new time bold (b+7) on CC2LP1 Steam level 58: Caveat Emptor
- 12-Jan-2021: Set a new score bold (b+70) on CC2LP1 Steam level 58: Caveat Emptor
- 07-Jan-2021: Set a new time bold (b+5) on CC2LP1 Steam level 133: Boiled in Blood
- 07-Jan-2021: Set a new score bold (b+70) on CC2LP1 Steam level 133: Boiled in Blood
- 04-Jan-2021: Confirmed a time bold (410) on CC2LP1 Steam level 33: Trial by Fire
- 04-Jan-2021: Confirmed a score bold (21070) on CC2LP1 Steam level 33: Trial by Fire
- 04-Jan-2021: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2LP1 Steam level 63: Swivel Tombs
- 04-Jan-2021: Set a new score bold (b+30) on CC2LP1 Steam level 63: Swivel Tombs
- 03-Jan-2021: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 147: Fill in the Blanks
- 03-Jan-2021: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 147: Fill in the Blanks
- 19-Dec-2020: Confirmed a score bold (30550) on CC2LP1 Steam level 55: Warning: Oncoming Maze
- 19-Dec-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 77: Repeaters
- 19-Dec-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 77: Repeaters
- 13-Dec-2020: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2LP1 Steam level 35: Bowling in the Sewer
- 13-Dec-2020: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2LP1 Steam level 35: Bowling in the Sewer
- 13-Dec-2020: Confirmed a time bold (521) on CC2LP1 Steam level 176: Double Stop
- 13-Dec-2020: Confirmed a score bold (93210) on CC2LP1 Steam level 176: Double Stop
- 13-Dec-2020: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2LP1 Steam level 176: Double Stop
- 13-Dec-2020: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2LP1 Steam level 176: Double Stop
- 30-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (343) on CC2LP1 Steam level 42: Mellow Yellow, Hello
- 30-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 42: Mellow Yellow, Hello
- 30-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (175) on CC2LP1 Steam level 57: Poison Backyard
- 30-Nov-2020: Confirmed a score bold (30250) on CC2LP1 Steam level 57: Poison Backyard
- 30-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2LP1 Steam level 102: Haystack
- 30-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2LP1 Steam level 102: Haystack
- 29-Nov-2020: Confirmed a score bold (7520) on CC2LP1 Steam level 5: Button Museum
- 29-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+2) on CC2LP1 Steam level 32: Ball of Blocks
- 29-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+20) on CC2LP1 Steam level 32: Ball of Blocks
- 29-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 73: Foiled Again
- 29-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 73: Foiled Again
- 28-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+2) on CC2LP1 Steam level 6: How to Item Drop Like a Champ
- 28-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+20) on CC2LP1 Steam level 6: How to Item Drop Like a Champ
- 28-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (422) on CC2LP1 Steam level 92: Cosmic Dump
- 28-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 92: Cosmic Dump
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (199) on CC2LP1 Steam level 3: A Little Help
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a score bold (3550) on CC2LP1 Steam level 3: A Little Help
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 6: How to Item Drop Like a Champ
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 6: How to Item Drop Like a Champ
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 15: Slip Up
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 15: Slip Up
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 16: A Simple Case of Mistaken Identity
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+27) on CC2LP1 Steam level 18: Dialectic Materialism
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+150) on CC2LP1 Steam level 18: Dialectic Materialism
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+5) on CC2LP1 Steam level 19: Restricted Areas
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+50) on CC2LP1 Steam level 19: Restricted Areas
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 22: Wire You Doing This
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (216) on CC2LP1 Steam level 24: If Walls Could Speak
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2LP1 Steam level 24: If Walls Could Speak
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 26: My Antisocial Friend
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 26: My Antisocial Friend
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 30: The Electric Company
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 30: The Electric Company
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (208) on CC2LP1 Steam level 31: A Helping Hand
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+2) on CC2LP1 Steam level 31: A Helping Hand
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 32: Ball of Blocks
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 32: Ball of Blocks
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 33: Trial by Fire
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 33: Trial by Fire
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2LP1 Steam level 34: Relics of a Lost Age
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2LP1 Steam level 34: Relics of a Lost Age
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2LP1 Steam level 35: Bowling in the Sewer
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2LP1 Steam level 35: Bowling in the Sewer
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+19) on CC2LP1 Steam level 37: Haunted Swamp
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+190) on CC2LP1 Steam level 37: Haunted Swamp
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (204) on CC2LP1 Steam level 38: Prism Prison
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 38: Prism Prison
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 42: Mellow Yellow, Hello
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (208) on CC2LP1 Steam level 43: Tulip Garden
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a score bold (23580) on CC2LP1 Steam level 43: Tulip Garden
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (303) on CC2LP1 Steam level 45: Settlement of Arrakis
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a score bold (25530) on CC2LP1 Steam level 45: Settlement of Arrakis
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (230) on CC2LP1 Steam level 46: Axis
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a score bold (27270) on CC2LP1 Steam level 46: Axis
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (242) on CC2LP1 Steam level 47: Lowlife
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a score bold (25920) on CC2LP1 Steam level 47: Lowlife
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 49: Sokobomb
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (262) on CC2LP1 Steam level 55: Warning: Oncoming Maze
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 55: Warning: Oncoming Maze
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 56: Asceticism
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 57: Poison Backyard
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 57: Poison Backyard
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 59: Set in Motion
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 59: Set in Motion
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 60: Green Thumb
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 60: Green Thumb
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (340) on CC2LP1 Steam level 61: Broken Railyard
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a score bold (33900) on CC2LP1 Steam level 61: Broken Railyard
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 62: Sosie
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 62: Sosie
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 63: Swivel Tombs
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (227) on CC2LP1 Steam level 64: Flowers of Power
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a score bold (34270) on CC2LP1 Steam level 64: Flowers of Power
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+4) on CC2LP1 Steam level 65: Left Behind Again
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 67: Before My Very Eyes
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 67: Before My Very Eyes
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 68: Pipe Maze
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 68: Pipe Maze
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (109) on CC2LP1 Steam level 69: Nameplate Stamping Facility
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a score bold (35600) on CC2LP1 Steam level 69: Nameplate Stamping Facility
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 71: Hyacinth
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 71: Hyacinth
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+9) on CC2LP1 Steam level 72: Rage Rooms
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+90) on CC2LP1 Steam level 72: Rage Rooms
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 73: Foiled Again
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 73: Foiled Again
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 74: The Floodgates Open
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 74: The Floodgates Open
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 75: Excavation Alley
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+68) on CC2LP1 Steam level 76: Three Mile Island
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+1160) on CC2LP1 Steam level 76: Three Mile Island
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (415) on CC2LP1 Steam level 78: Blocked In
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a score bold (44110) on CC2LP1 Steam level 78: Blocked In
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 79: Marine Science Museum
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 79: Marine Science Museum
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (454) on CC2LP1 Steam level 80: Forest Hub
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a score bold (44540) on CC2LP1 Steam level 80: Forest Hub
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (441) on CC2LP1 Steam level 83: Electric Feel
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a score bold (45910) on CC2LP1 Steam level 83: Electric Feel
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2LP1 Steam level 86: Hydrochloric Acid Factory Disaster
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2LP1 Steam level 86: Hydrochloric Acid Factory Disaster
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 87: Of the Roses
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 87: Of the Roses
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 88: Highlighter
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 88: Highlighter
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 89: Chip and Melinda Go Skating
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 90: Time in a Bottle
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 90: Time in a Bottle
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 91: chipdied.wmv
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 91: chipdied.wmv
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2LP1 Steam level 93: Warp
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2LP1 Steam level 93: Warp
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (378) on CC2LP1 Steam level 94: Various Hues of Blue
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 94: Various Hues of Blue
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 95: Strike!
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 95: Strike!
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 96: Sentinel Beach
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 97: Around the Corner
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 97: Around the Corner
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 99: Delirium
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 99: Delirium
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 100: Treasure Collection
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 100: Treasure Collection
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2LP1 Steam level 101: Ectoplasm
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 102: Haystack
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 102: Haystack
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 103: Powder Monkey
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 103: Powder Monkey
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 105: Remote Detonator
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 105: Remote Detonator
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 106: Cold Lazarus
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 106: Cold Lazarus
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (474) on CC2LP1 Steam level 112: The Amazing Vortex
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a score bold (60740) on CC2LP1 Steam level 112: The Amazing Vortex
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a score bold (59090) on CC2LP1 Steam level 113: Casper
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 116: Snail Simulator 2019
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 116: Snail Simulator 2019
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 124: Waterfall
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (335) on CC2LP1 Steam level 129: Small Matters
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a score bold (68020) on CC2LP1 Steam level 129: Small Matters
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (446) on CC2LP1 Steam level 132: Furi
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 135: Military Intelligence
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 135: Military Intelligence
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 136: Eastbound
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 136: Eastbound
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+34) on CC2LP1 Steam level 138: Greedy Twin
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+280) on CC2LP1 Steam level 138: Greedy Twin
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 140: Title Deferred
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 140: Title Deferred
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (358) on CC2LP1 Steam level 141: Thin Blue Line
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a score bold (74080) on CC2LP1 Steam level 141: Thin Blue Line
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 142: Aten: Disk of the Sun
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 142: Aten: Disk of the Sun
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 145: Lady in the Water
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 145: Lady in the Water
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 146: Quadrathlon
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 146: Quadrathlon
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+79) on CC2LP1 Steam level 148: Total Eclipse of the Port
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+890) on CC2LP1 Steam level 148: Total Eclipse of the Port
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 151: No Swap Zone
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 151: No Swap Zone
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 153: Slow-Motion Hallway Fight Sequence
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 153: Slow-Motion Hallway Fight Sequence
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+2) on CC2LP1 Steam level 154: Autopilot
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+20) on CC2LP1 Steam level 154: Autopilot
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2LP1 Steam level 155: Number Field
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2LP1 Steam level 155: Number Field
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 156: Uptown Decisions
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a score bold (84080) on CC2LP1 Steam level 156: Uptown Decisions
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+36) on CC2LP1 Steam level 162: Ode to a Tank Crossing the Road
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 162: Ode to a Tank Crossing the Road
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 163: Boot Warehouse
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 163: Boot Warehouse
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 164: Deadline Extension
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+6) on CC2LP1 Steam level 165: Cold Comfort
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+50) on CC2LP1 Steam level 165: Cold Comfort
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 166: Triple-B Battery
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+510) on CC2LP1 Steam level 166: Triple-B Battery
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 168: Aquatos Sewer System
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 168: Aquatos Sewer System
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 169: Love and Theft
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 170: Circuit City
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 170: Circuit City
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 172: Anarchaeology
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 172: Anarchaeology
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+33) on CC2LP1 Steam level 174: Objectification
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+330) on CC2LP1 Steam level 174: Objectification
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 176: Double Stop
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 176: Double Stop
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+74) on CC2LP1 Steam level 177: The Wrong Direction
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+740) on CC2LP1 Steam level 177: The Wrong Direction
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+180) on CC2LP1 Steam level 178: Tank of Justice
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+1800) on CC2LP1 Steam level 178: Tank of Justice
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+5) on CC2LP1 Steam level 180: Slither
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 181: Bringin' Down the House
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 182: Two Minds
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 182: Two Minds
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 183: Triple Threat
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 184: Production Line
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 184: Production Line
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+153) on CC2LP1 Steam level 186: Pushing the Boundaries
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 186: Pushing the Boundaries
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 188: Noen Cheoc
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+86) on CC2LP1 Steam level 190: Blocko's Modern Life
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+860) on CC2LP1 Steam level 190: Blocko's Modern Life
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+24) on CC2LP1 Steam level 192: Sequence
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+240) on CC2LP1 Steam level 192: Sequence
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 196: The Girl Who Was Left Behind
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 196: The Girl Who Was Left Behind
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+62) on CC2LP1 Steam level 199: Obfuscated and Interred
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+620) on CC2LP1 Steam level 199: Obfuscated and Interred
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 52: Stopgap Measure
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 26: My Antisocial Friend
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 26: My Antisocial Friend
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new time bold (b+22) on CC2LP1 Steam level 39: Slime Minister
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (223) on CC2LP1 Steam level 60: Green Thumb
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a score bold (32230) on CC2LP1 Steam level 60: Green Thumb
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 62: Sosie
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 62: Sosie
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a time bold (368) on CC2LP1 Steam level 68: Pipe Maze
- 19-Nov-2020: Confirmed a score bold (37680) on CC2LP1 Steam level 68: Pipe Maze
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 82: Bit Player
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 82: Bit Player
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 103: Powder Monkey
- 19-Nov-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 103: Powder Monkey
- 19-Nov-2020: Set a new score bold (b+2020) on CC2LP1 Steam level 39: Slime Minister
- 19-Jul-2020: Set a new time bold (b+4) on CCLP2 Lynx level 142: Chomper Romp
- 22-Jun-2020: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2 Steam level 34: Globs
- 22-Jun-2020: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2 Steam level 34: Globs
- 22-Jun-2020: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2 Steam level 145: Turning Point
- 22-Jun-2020: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2 Steam level 145: Turning Point
- 16-Apr-2020: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CCLP3 Lynx level 33: Vague Dream
- 15-Jan-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP4 Lynx level 38: Detonation Station
- 22-Dec-2019: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CCLP4 MS level 138: Zipper
- 04-Dec-2019: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CCLP2 Lynx level 82: The Block Stops Here
- 27-Nov-2019: Set a new time bold (b+2) on CCLP2 Lynx level 102: Chip's Fight
- 07-Oct-2019: Set a new time bold (b+2) on CCLP2 Lynx level 40: Traps II
- 05-Oct-2019: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CCLP3 Lynx level 23: Map the Path
- 04-Oct-2019: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC1 Lynx level 29: Arcticflow
- 19-Jun-2019: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CCLP2 Lynx level 71: Mads' Rush II
- 29-Mar-2019: Set a new time bold (b+9) on CCLP2 Lynx level 30: Chase Race
- 24-Oct-2018: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC1 MS level 33: On the Rocks
- 16-Oct-2018: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CCLP2 Lynx level 37: The Mystery of the Seven Chips
- 12-Oct-2018: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2 Steam level 143: Caverns
- 12-Oct-2018: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2 Steam level 143: Caverns
- 28-Sep-2018: Set a new time bold (b+6) on CCLP3 Lynx level 10: Annoying Wall
- 08-Sep-2018: Set a new time bold (b+8) on CCLP3 Lynx level 50: Once Upon a Troubadour
- 03-Sep-2018: Set a new joint score bold (b+30) on CC2 Steam level 190: Dysphoria (joint record from Ruben Spaans and Indyindeed )
- 02-Sep-2018: Set a new score bold (b+70) on CC2 Steam level 190: Dysphoria
- 31-Aug-2018: Set a new time bold (b+8) on CC2 Steam level 190: Dysphoria
- 31-Aug-2018: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2 Steam level 190: Dysphoria
- 30-Aug-2018: Set a new score bold (b+20) on CC2 Steam level 73: Ghost Bridge
- 30-Aug-2018: Set a new time bold (b+2) on CC2 Steam level 73: Ghost Bridge
- 30-Aug-2018: Set a new time bold (b+2) on CC2 Steam level 186: Da Bomb
- 30-Aug-2018: Set a new joint time bold (b+1) on CC2 Steam level 186: Da Bomb (joint record from random 8 and Indyindeed )
- 30-Aug-2018: Set a new score bold (b+20) on CC2 Steam level 186: Da Bomb
- 30-Aug-2018: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2 Steam level 186: Da Bomb
- 23-Aug-2018: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2 Steam level 26: Chamber Bomb
- 17-Aug-2018: Confirmed a score bold (40430) on CC2 Steam level 77: The Rover Room
- 17-Aug-2018: Confirmed a time bold (193) on CC2 Steam level 77: The Rover Room
Scores Summary by Pack
CC1 | CCLP1 | CCLP2 | CCLP3 | CCLP4 | CCLP5 | Overall | |
MS | 5,713,730 | 6,000,630 | 5,521,340 | 0 | 3,733,690 | 0 | 20,969,390 |
Lynx | 4,223,420 | 49,760 | 3,302,360 | 668,030 | 703,950 | 0 | 8,947,520 |
Steam | 0 | 0 |
CC1 | CCLP1 | CCLP2 | CCLP3 | CCLP4 | CCLP5 | Overall | |
MS | 131 | 113 | 128 | 0 | 86 | 0 | 458 |
Lynx | 108 | 1 | 83 | 24 | 25 | 0 | 241 |
Steam | 0 | 0 |
CC1 | CCLP1 | CCLP2 | CCLP3 | CCLP4 | CCLP5 | Overall | |
MS | 5.389 | 4.114 | 5.148 | 36.302 | 8.597 | 11.685 | 11.873 |
Lynx | 5.074 | 24.054 | 4.973 | 19.248 | 12.846 | 5.879 | 12.012 |
Steam | 26.403 | 26.403 |
Times Breakdown
Bold | Better than public | Public | Worse than public | No score |
Bold | Better than public | Public | Worse than public | No score |
Bold | Better than public | Public | Worse than public | No score |
CC1 | |
1 | — |
2 | — |
3 | — |
4 | — |
5 | — |
6 | — |
7 | — |
8 | — |
9 | — |
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15 | — |
16 | — |
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149 | — |
Bold | Better than public | Public | Worse than public | No score |