CCLP3 level #101: The Ghosts at the Massingham Mansion

Designed by: Andrew Gapic 

Time limit: 800

Public time: 610
Watch solution for 608 route on YouTube
Execution difficulty:
Routing difficulty:
Luck difficulty:

Time evolution

37223-Dec-2010Initial score
57101-Jan-2011Paul Gilbert 
60701-Jan-2011Andrew Bennett 
60823-Jan-2011Andrew Bennett 
61523-Jan-2011J.B. Lewis 
Public time: 606
Execution difficulty:
Routing difficulty:
Luck difficulty:

Time evolution

38523-Dec-2010Initial score
45029-Jan-2011Dave Varberg 
51318-Feb-2011Mike Lask 
59226-May-2011Paul Gilbert 
59327-Aug-2012Skye Climenhaga 
60622-Mar-2016J.B. Lewis