
    chipster1059 has designed 8 levels in official or community level packs

    Chip's Challenge Level Pack 4

    Number Title
    49 Block Parking

    Chip's Challenge 2 Level Pack 1

    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 158: The Gift of Giving
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 158: The Gift of Giving
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 175: Mobile Cannon Mr. McCallahan
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 181: Bringin' Down the House
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 181: Bringin' Down the House
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 183: Triple Threat
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 188: Noen Cheoc
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 188: Noen Cheoc
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 189: Liquid Defense
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 189: Liquid Defense
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 192: Sequence
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 192: Sequence
    • 26-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 96: Sentinel Beach
    • 26-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 134: The 34 Primroses
    • 26-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 134: The 34 Primroses
    • 26-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 166: Triple-B Battery
    • 12-Dec-2024: Confirmed a score bold (15660) on CC2LP1 Steam level 26: My Antisocial Friend
    • 12-Dec-2024: Confirmed a time bold (266) on CC2LP1 Steam level 26: My Antisocial Friend
    • 12-Dec-2024: Confirmed a score bold (19180) on CC2LP1 Steam level 30: The Electric Company
    • 12-Dec-2024: Confirmed a time bold (418) on CC2LP1 Steam level 30: The Electric Company
    • 12-Dec-2024: Confirmed a time bold (274) on CC2LP1 Steam level 39: Slime Minister
    • 14-Nov-2024: Set a new score bold (b+90) on CC2 Steam level 117: Room #9
    • 14-Nov-2024: Set a new time bold (b+9) on CC2 Steam level 117: Room #9
    • 14-Nov-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2 Steam level 179: In & Out II
    • 10-Nov-2024: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2 Steam level 152: Pattern Buffers
    • 10-Nov-2024: Confirmed a score bold (94450) on CC2 Steam level 165: Melinda 911
    • 10-Nov-2024: Confirmed a time bold (416) on CC2 Steam level 165: Melinda 911
    • 08-Nov-2024: Confirmed a time bold (481) on CC2 Steam level 178: Breaking the Ice
    • 27-Jun-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 122: Expanding Warehouse
    • 27-Jun-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 121: Lockjaw
    • 05-May-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 112: Melancholia
    • 05-May-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 114: A Love for Puzzles
    • 05-May-2024: Set a new time bold (b+3) on CCLP5 Lynx level 115: Titanic Monarch
    • 05-May-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 112: Melancholia
    • 30-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+37) on CCLP5 Lynx level 106: Slimefield
    • 30-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 110: Another Perspective
    • 30-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 106: Slimefield
    • 30-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 110: Another Perspective
    • 29-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 101: Barefoot Bandit
    • 29-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 102: Minimalist Art Gallery
    • 29-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 103: Illicit Logging Facility
    • 29-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 105: Beyond the Facades
    • 29-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 103: Illicit Logging Facility
    • 28-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 96: Sour Apple Cider
    • 28-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 96: Sour Apple Cider
    • 18-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 54: The Slaughterhouse Is Open for Business
    • 18-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 91: Airletter Shop
    • 18-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+17) on CCLP5 Lynx level 92: Glamorous Diamond Downs
    • 18-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 94: Feat After Feat
    • 18-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+8) on CCLP5 MS level 92: Glamorous Diamond Downs
    • 17-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+75) on CCLP5 MS level 88: Flypaper
    • 17-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+16) on CCLP5 MS level 90: Decrepit Crypt
    • 17-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 86: Phantasmal Stalkers
    • 17-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 87: Network Corruption
    • 17-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+149) on CCLP5 Lynx level 88: Flypaper
    • 17-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 15: Heterochromia
    • 17-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+15) on CCLP5 Lynx level 90: Decrepit Crypt
    • 15-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 82: Encrypted Malware
    • 15-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 83: Polarity Isle
    • 15-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 84: Piston It Away
    • 15-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+9) on CCLP5 Lynx level 85: Sokoban Adventure
    • 15-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 82: Encrypted Malware
    • 15-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 83: Polarity Isle
    • 15-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+46) on CCLP5 MS level 85: Sokoban Adventure
    • 14-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 76: Yellow Fever
    • 14-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+27) on CCLP5 Lynx level 77: Avenues of Zagreb
    • 14-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+35) on CCLP5 Lynx level 79: Drawn and Quartered and Quartered
    • 14-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+32) on CCLP5 MS level 77: Avenues of Zagreb
    • 14-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 78: Salsa Verde
    • 14-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 79: Drawn and Quartered and Quartered
    • 12-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 71: Amethyst Mine
    • 12-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 72: Miner Setbacks
    • 12-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 73: Three Boot Night
    • 12-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 74: Dark Hollow
    • 12-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+69) on CCLP5 Lynx level 75: Canyon of Lost Color
    • 12-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 72: Miner Setbacks
    • 12-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+33) on CCLP5 MS level 75: Canyon of Lost Color
    • 10-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 66: Tornado Alley
    • 10-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+67) on CCLP5 MS level 68: PPPuzzles
    • 10-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+78) on CCLP5 MS level 70: Ski Resort Town
    • 10-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 66: Tornado Alley
    • 10-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+11) on CCLP5 Lynx level 68: PPPuzzles
    • 10-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+72) on CCLP5 Lynx level 70: Ski Resort Town
    • 08-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 61: Snowbound
    • 08-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 64: Condemned Facility
    • 08-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 65: The World Has Turned and Left Me Here
    • 08-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 61: Snowbound
    • 08-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 64: Condemned Facility
    • 03-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 56: Smoke Inhalation
    • 03-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 57: Irradiated Radiator
    • 03-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 58: Warehouse of Lost Hopes and Dreams
    • 03-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 59: Clone Machine Factory
    • 03-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 60: Fuego Ironworks
    • 03-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 56: Smoke Inhalation
    • 03-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 58: Warehouse of Lost Hopes and Dreams
    • 02-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 51: Nitroglycerin Below 57F
    • 02-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 52: Magma Cone
    • 02-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+34) on CCLP5 Lynx level 53: Reproducing
    • 02-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 51: Nitroglycerin Below 57F
    • 02-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 53: Reproducing
    • 31-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 47: The Toggle Station
    • 31-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 48: Tank Game Reborn
    • 31-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 49: The Sound of Silence
    • 31-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 50: The Unwinding
    • 31-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 50: The Unwinding
    • 29-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 41: The Dividing Line
    • 29-Mar-2024: Set a new time bold (b+51) on CCLP5 Lynx level 42: Instigate and Exfiltrate
    • 29-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 43: Verdant Cavern
    • 29-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 44: Thunderwave Cave
    • 29-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 45: Insert Name Here Caverns
    • 29-Mar-2024: Set a new time bold (b+58) on CCLP5 MS level 42: Instigate and Exfiltrate
    • 29-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 43: Verdant Cavern
    • 29-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 45: Insert Name Here Caverns
    • 27-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 36: Charmed Ridge
    • 27-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 37: Quantified Nerves
    • 27-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 38: Exit Exaggeration
    • 27-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 39: Mysterious Geoglyph
    • 27-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 40: Wealth and Corruption
    • 27-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 36: Charmed Ridge
    • 27-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 37: Quantified Nerves
    • 26-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 31: Sealed Chamber
    • 26-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 32: Socket Shrine
    • 26-Mar-2024: Confirmed a time bold (954) on CCLP5 Lynx level 33: Terre Haute
    • 26-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 34: Spirit River
    • 26-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 35: Fortune Ravine
    • 26-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 34: Spirit River
    • 26-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 35: Fortune Ravine
    • 21-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 30: Ragged Mountain
    • 21-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 27: Dumbbell Dichotomy
    • 21-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 28: For Want of a Nail
    • 21-Mar-2024: Confirmed a time bold (204) on CCLP5 Lynx level 29: Sandshaker
    • 21-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 30: Ragged Mountain
    • 20-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 22: Capim Town
    • 17-Mar-2024: Confirmed a time bold (181) on CCLP5 Lynx level 1: Lesson Zero
    • 17-Mar-2024: Confirmed a time bold (221) on CCLP5 Lynx level 14: High Fidelity Flame
    • 17-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 20: Forbidden Island
    • 17-Mar-2024: Set a new time bold (b+52) on CCLP5 Lynx level 25: Drops of Jupiter
    • 17-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 26: Deephaven
    • 13-Mar-2024: Confirmed a time bold (180) on CCLP5 Lynx level 11: Pyramid Scheme
    • 13-Mar-2024: Confirmed a time bold (214) on CCLP5 Lynx level 12: Vault Line
    • 13-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 17: There Goes the Neighborhood
    • 13-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 18: Press Any Button to Continue
    • 13-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 19: Hue and Saturation
    • 13-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 21: Slime Sliding
    • 13-Mar-2024: Set a new time bold (b+85) on CCLP5 Lynx level 22: Capim Town
    • 11-Mar-2024: Confirmed a time bold (290) on CCLP5 Lynx level 2: Multipurpose Tool
    • 11-Mar-2024: Confirmed a time bold (243) on CCLP5 Lynx level 3: Paparazzi
    • 11-Mar-2024: Confirmed a time bold (291) on CCLP5 Lynx level 9: Secret Jungle Laboratory
    • 11-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 11: Pyramid Scheme
    • 11-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 12: Vault Line
    • 11-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 13: Cardboard Cutout
    • 11-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 14: High Fidelity Flame
    • 11-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 16: Moving Day
    • 10-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 1: Lesson Zero
    • 10-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 2: Multipurpose Tool
    • 10-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 3: Paparazzi
    • 10-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 5: Fragmented Lamina
    • 10-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 6: Choice Tools
    • 10-Mar-2024: Confirmed a time bold (309) on CCLP5 Lynx level 7: Trading Post
    • 10-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 8: Trick or Trap
    • 10-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 9: Secret Jungle Laboratory
    • 10-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 10: Ages Beyond
    • 21-Aug-2023: Confirmed a time bold (967) on CCLP4 Lynx level 68: Cold Fusion Reactor
    • 11-Mar-2022: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP4 Lynx level 96: Lean Thinking
    • 08-Mar-2022: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP4 Lynx level 128: Mindless Self-Indulgence
    • 04-Mar-2022: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP4 Lynx level 122: Jigsee
    • 21-Feb-2022: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP4 Lynx level 141: World of a Thousand Flames
    • 03-Jul-2021: Confirmed a score bold (5780) on CC2LP1 Steam level 2: Wrong of Way
    • 10-Mar-2021: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC1 Steam level 35: Lemmings
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+790) on CC2LP1 Steam level 86: Hydrochloric Acid Factory Disaster
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+79) on CC2LP1 Steam level 86: Hydrochloric Acid Factory Disaster
    • 11-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 90: Time in a Bottle
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+47) on CC2LP1 Steam level 90: Time in a Bottle
    • 11-Oct-2020: Confirmed a time bold (266) on CC2LP1 Steam level 8: Brigand Land
    • 11-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 9: What's a Girl to Do?
    • 11-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 9: What's a Girl to Do?
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+2) on CC2LP1 Steam level 12: Spreading Like Wildfire
    • 11-Oct-2020: Confirmed a score bold (16760) on CC2LP1 Steam level 32: Ball of Blocks
    • 11-Oct-2020: Confirmed a time bold (76) on CC2LP1 Steam level 32: Ball of Blocks
    • 11-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 63: Swivel Tombs
    • 11-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 63: Swivel Tombs
    • 11-Oct-2020: Confirmed a score bold (37820) on CC2LP1 Steam level 70: Multiplicare
    • 11-Oct-2020: Confirmed a time bold (282) on CC2LP1 Steam level 70: Multiplicare
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+710) on CC2LP1 Steam level 72: Rage Rooms
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+71) on CC2LP1 Steam level 72: Rage Rooms
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+70) on CC2LP1 Steam level 73: Foiled Again
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+7) on CC2LP1 Steam level 73: Foiled Again
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+180) on CC2LP1 Steam level 71: Hyacinth
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+23) on CC2LP1 Steam level 71: Hyacinth
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+340) on CC2LP1 Steam level 77: Repeaters
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+34) on CC2LP1 Steam level 77: Repeaters
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+130) on CC2LP1 Steam level 84: Avec des Reserves
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+13) on CC2LP1 Steam level 84: Avec des Reserves
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+140) on CC2LP1 Steam level 85: Double Agent
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+14) on CC2LP1 Steam level 85: Double Agent
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+1020) on CC2LP1 Steam level 91: chipdied.wmv
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+102) on CC2LP1 Steam level 91: chipdied.wmv
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+4460) on CC2LP1 Steam level 92: Cosmic Dump
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+69) on CC2LP1 Steam level 92: Cosmic Dump
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+110) on CC2LP1 Steam level 94: Various Hues of Blue
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+11) on CC2LP1 Steam level 94: Various Hues of Blue
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+560) on CC2LP1 Steam level 95: Strike!
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+56) on CC2LP1 Steam level 95: Strike!
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+20) on CC2LP1 Steam level 1: Island Beginnings
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 40: A Real Thinker
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 40: A Real Thinker
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 41: Teeth on Edge
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 41: Teeth on Edge
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+1920) on CC2LP1 Steam level 46: Axis
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 46: Axis
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 47: Lowlife
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 47: Lowlife
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 53: In a Minefield
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 53: In a Minefield
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 56: Asceticism
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+14) on CC2LP1 Steam level 56: Asceticism
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+230) on CC2LP1 Steam level 57: Poison Backyard
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+23) on CC2LP1 Steam level 57: Poison Backyard
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+80) on CC2LP1 Steam level 59: Set in Motion
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+8) on CC2LP1 Steam level 59: Set in Motion
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+590) on CC2LP1 Steam level 60: Green Thumb
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+59) on CC2LP1 Steam level 60: Green Thumb
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+310) on CC2LP1 Steam level 68: Pipe Maze
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+31) on CC2LP1 Steam level 68: Pipe Maze
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+70) on CC2LP1 Steam level 6: How to Item Drop Like a Champ
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+7) on CC2LP1 Steam level 6: How to Item Drop Like a Champ
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+13) on CC2LP1 Steam level 26: My Antisocial Friend
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+60) on CC2LP1 Steam level 40: A Real Thinker
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+6) on CC2LP1 Steam level 40: A Real Thinker
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+100) on CC2LP1 Steam level 41: Teeth on Edge
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+10) on CC2LP1 Steam level 41: Teeth on Edge
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+390) on CC2LP1 Steam level 42: Mellow Yellow, Hello
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+2) on CC2LP1 Steam level 42: Mellow Yellow, Hello
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+190) on CC2LP1 Steam level 62: Sosie
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+19) on CC2LP1 Steam level 62: Sosie
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+430) on CC2LP1 Steam level 63: Swivel Tombs
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+63) on CC2LP1 Steam level 63: Swivel Tombs
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+8080) on CC2LP1 Steam level 66: Insane Asylum
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+20) on CC2LP1 Steam level 66: Insane Asylum
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+110) on CC2LP1 Steam level 69: Nameplate Stamping Facility
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+10) on CC2LP1 Steam level 69: Nameplate Stamping Facility
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+100) on CC2LP1 Steam level 74: The Floodgates Open
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+23) on CC2LP1 Steam level 74: The Floodgates Open
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+520) on CC2LP1 Steam level 79: Marine Science Museum
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+52) on CC2LP1 Steam level 79: Marine Science Museum
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+50) on CC2LP1 Steam level 80: Forest Hub
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+5) on CC2LP1 Steam level 80: Forest Hub
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 19: Restricted Areas
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 19: Restricted Areas
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 31: A Helping Hand
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+3) on CC2LP1 Steam level 31: A Helping Hand
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 32: Ball of Blocks
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 32: Ball of Blocks
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+150) on CC2LP1 Steam level 37: Haunted Swamp
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+15) on CC2LP1 Steam level 37: Haunted Swamp
    • 10-Oct-2020: Confirmed a score bold (24700) on CC2LP1 Steam level 44: Caught Flatfooted
    • 10-Oct-2020: Confirmed a time bold (270) on CC2LP1 Steam level 44: Caught Flatfooted
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+14) on CC2LP1 Steam level 46: Axis
    • 10-Oct-2020: Confirmed a score bold (25750) on CC2LP1 Steam level 47: Lowlife
    • 10-Oct-2020: Confirmed a time bold (225) on CC2LP1 Steam level 47: Lowlife
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+140) on CC2LP1 Steam level 52: Stopgap Measure
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+14) on CC2LP1 Steam level 52: Stopgap Measure
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 32: Ball of Blocks
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 32: Ball of Blocks
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+250) on CC2LP1 Steam level 33: Trial by Fire
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+12) on CC2LP1 Steam level 33: Trial by Fire
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+120) on CC2LP1 Steam level 45: Settlement of Arrakis
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+12) on CC2LP1 Steam level 45: Settlement of Arrakis
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+650) on CC2LP1 Steam level 49: Sokobomb
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 58: Caveat Emptor
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 58: Caveat Emptor
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 65: Left Behind Again
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 65: Left Behind Again
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 67: Before My Very Eyes
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 67: Before My Very Eyes
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 70: Multiplicare
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 70: Multiplicare
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+1530) on CC2LP1 Steam level 81: Bomb Blockade
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+153) on CC2LP1 Steam level 81: Bomb Blockade
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+210) on CC2LP1 Steam level 82: Bit Player
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+21) on CC2LP1 Steam level 82: Bit Player
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+1050) on CC2LP1 Steam level 83: Electric Feel
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+105) on CC2LP1 Steam level 83: Electric Feel
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+130) on CC2LP1 Steam level 26: My Antisocial Friend
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (2100) on CC2LP1 Steam level 1: Island Beginnings
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (160) on CC2LP1 Steam level 1: Island Beginnings
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (5740) on CC2LP1 Steam level 2: Wrong of Way
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (358) on CC2LP1 Steam level 2: Wrong of Way
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (3340) on CC2LP1 Steam level 3: A Little Help
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (178) on CC2LP1 Steam level 3: A Little Help
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (6020) on CC2LP1 Steam level 4: Cave Diving
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (42) on CC2LP1 Steam level 4: Cave Diving
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (5590) on CC2LP1 Steam level 5: Button Museum
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (309) on CC2LP1 Steam level 5: Button Museum
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (7560) on CC2LP1 Steam level 6: How to Item Drop Like a Champ
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (456) on CC2LP1 Steam level 6: How to Item Drop Like a Champ
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (6540) on CC2LP1 Steam level 7: Tori
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (281) on CC2LP1 Steam level 7: Tori
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (7620) on CC2LP1 Steam level 8: Brigand Land
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (265) on CC2LP1 Steam level 8: Brigand Land
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (6890) on CC2LP1 Steam level 9: What's a Girl to Do?
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (239) on CC2LP1 Steam level 9: What's a Girl to Do?
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (8490) on CC2LP1 Steam level 10: Blocksmith
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (349) on CC2LP1 Steam level 10: Blocksmith
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2LP1 Steam level 10: Blocksmith
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2LP1 Steam level 10: Blocksmith
    • 09-Oct-2020: Confirmed a score bold (5500) on CC2LP1 Steam level 11: When One Door Closes
    • 09-Oct-2020: Confirmed a time bold (0) on CC2LP1 Steam level 11: When One Door Closes
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+1870) on CC2LP1 Steam level 12: Spreading Like Wildfire
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+15) on CC2LP1 Steam level 12: Spreading Like Wildfire
    • 09-Oct-2020: Confirmed a score bold (8480) on CC2LP1 Steam level 13: Temporary Housing
    • 09-Oct-2020: Confirmed a time bold (198) on CC2LP1 Steam level 13: Temporary Housing
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+1010) on CC2LP1 Steam level 14: Getting Off Track
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+23) on CC2LP1 Steam level 14: Getting Off Track
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+250) on CC2LP1 Steam level 15: Slip Up
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+25) on CC2LP1 Steam level 15: Slip Up
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+7950) on CC2LP1 Steam level 16: A Simple Case of Mistaken Identity
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+17) on CC2LP1 Steam level 16: A Simple Case of Mistaken Identity
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+260) on CC2LP1 Steam level 17: Key Keeper
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+26) on CC2LP1 Steam level 17: Key Keeper
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+160) on CC2LP1 Steam level 18: Dialectic Materialism
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+19) on CC2LP1 Steam level 18: Dialectic Materialism
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (12880) on CC2LP1 Steam level 20: Tetromino Trek
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (288) on CC2LP1 Steam level 20: Tetromino Trek
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+60) on CC2LP1 Steam level 18: Dialectic Materialism
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+7) on CC2LP1 Steam level 18: Dialectic Materialism
    • 09-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 21: Stepping With Stones
    • 09-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 21: Stepping With Stones
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+140) on CC2LP1 Steam level 23: Trans-Pachipic Partnership
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+14) on CC2LP1 Steam level 23: Trans-Pachipic Partnership
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+450) on CC2LP1 Steam level 25: Solitary Alignment
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+32) on CC2LP1 Steam level 25: Solitary Alignment
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+500) on CC2LP1 Steam level 27: Dropping In
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+57) on CC2LP1 Steam level 27: Dropping In
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+220) on CC2LP1 Steam level 29: Secret Escape Tunnel
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+22) on CC2LP1 Steam level 29: Secret Escape Tunnel
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (19120) on CC2LP1 Steam level 30: The Electric Company
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (412) on CC2LP1 Steam level 30: The Electric Company
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (19140) on CC2LP1 Steam level 36: Metalhead
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (114) on CC2LP1 Steam level 36: Metalhead
    • 09-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 149: Bye Bye Bye
    • 09-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 149: Bye Bye Bye
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+1850) on CC2LP1 Steam level 24: If Walls Could Speak
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+12) on CC2LP1 Steam level 24: If Walls Could Speak
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+510) on CC2LP1 Steam level 34: Relics of a Lost Age
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+76) on CC2LP1 Steam level 34: Relics of a Lost Age
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+120) on CC2LP1 Steam level 35: Bowling in the Sewer
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+12) on CC2LP1 Steam level 35: Bowling in the Sewer
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+390) on CC2LP1 Steam level 39: Slime Minister
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+39) on CC2LP1 Steam level 39: Slime Minister
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (23440) on CC2LP1 Steam level 43: Tulip Garden
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (194) on CC2LP1 Steam level 43: Tulip Garden
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (24660) on CC2LP1 Steam level 44: Caught Flatfooted
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (266) on CC2LP1 Steam level 44: Caught Flatfooted
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (27000) on CC2LP1 Steam level 54: Green Wrangler
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (0) on CC2LP1 Steam level 54: Green Wrangler
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (36080) on CC2LP1 Steam level 65: Left Behind Again
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (358) on CC2LP1 Steam level 65: Left Behind Again
    • 27-Feb-2020: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC1 Steam level 54: Grail
    • 27-Feb-2020: Set a new time bold (b+2) on CC1 Steam level 54: Grail

    Scores Summary by Pack


    Times Breakdown

    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    1 83 168 347 192 169 184
    2 90 180 243 342 251 292
    3 89 183 109 312 220 246
    4 116 207 237 245 227
    5 85 232 377 395 277 198
    6 94 185 163 93 310 355
    7 139 185 254 152 93 315
    8 96 230 302 111 333 206
    9 306 228 197 111 247 298
    10 51 320 368 79 75 244
    11 211 226 411 448 350 180
    12 270 289 354 125 226 219
    13 [982] 263 342 107 213 266
    14 204 206 258 347 335 222
    15 89 315 237 195 260 292
    16 [971] 281 314 254 285 265
    17 83 [990] 256 97 254 336
    18 553 264 237 345 221 233
    19 171 351 301 174 187 294
    20 340 380 293 223 342 337
    21 119 175 264 211 303 336
    22 293 330 27 110 238 376
    23 429 226 254 245 349
    24 430 343 305 221 387 338
    25 435 139 269 99 415 370
    26 254 173 128 394 250 282
    27 147 283 276 228 399 325
    28 239 273 266 392 403 363
    29 302 326 169 285 313 211
    30 454 219 246 232 61 443
    31 6 144 365 211 397 241
    32 379 263 377 157 320 386
    33 [684] [956] 76 40 215 [958]
    34 297 290 404 876 178 367
    35 577 379 446 59 356 393
    36 232 219 447 222 471 320
    37 597 332 324 135 385 369
    38 462 483 11 304 196 331
    39 17 237 231 37 454 428
    40 195 [962] 249 228 130 401
    41 172 166 207 209 310 331
    42 187 419 246 421 237 565
    43 126 206 19 339 422 324
    44 146 365 205 217 412 389
    45 292 279 138 411 366 247
    46 222 286 40 278 251
    47 231 [956] 270 369 353 288
    48 277 180 125 391 298 475
    49 162 430 30 306 [902] [896]
    50 318 167 428 154 334 838
    51 655 271 395 329 392 625
    52 382 309 313 365 103 251
    53 478 410 58 312 334 [907]
    54 326 235 303 279 208 359
    55 70 322 78 237 534 315
    56 162 [963] 236 317 549 510
    57 229 296 266 197 448 313
    58 550 327 301 244 335 471
    59 368 [970] 352 322 339 307
    60 288 263 566 258 210 522
    61 [950] 425 421 318 536 381
    62 282 346 256 488 356 282
    63 477 174 128 230 513 261
    64 548 45 348 326 311 392
    65 397 428 38 67 561 318
    66 292 287 233 293 264 518
    67 518 304 255 190 317 [950]
    68 489 [949] 273 430 [979] 676
    69 229 288 238 426 399 283
    70 136 426 220 405 361 659
    71 355 302 25 432 177 422
    72 [961] 183 451 125 358 683
    73 485 419 232 265 266 501
    74 359 352 253 270 336 294
    75 479 243 113 314 416 570
    76 416 382 241 496 397 368
    77 481 8 244 191 490 624
    78 480 533 298 411 507 446
    79 220 [958] 114 311 356 584
    80 733 390 316 191 292 664
    81 [511] [900] 346 113 312 [962]
    82 969 95 253 480 [907] 337
    83 298 [972] 388 229 439 358
    84 580 474 426 346 397 448
    85 236 971 304 507 445 724
    86 381 309 249 392 323 337
    87 [544] 560 20 396 516 318
    88 317 [906] 317 792 278 770
    89 389 345 381 398 393
    90 318 340 204 207 375 459
    91 367 350 468 229 472 427
    92 444 825 458 404 436 553
    93 649 328 388 39 384
    94 [906] 479 776 283 504 520
    95 335 309 314 381 514 299
    96 320 408 398 515 [870] 476
    97 290 365 265 482 264 525
    98 338 329 37 496 470 [874]
    99 380 [983] 269 320 302 65
    100 [911] 332 345 231 920 550
    101 240 [840] 924 608 412 347
    102 177 [944] 371 350 326 526
    103 488 [977] 384 308 572 532
    104 235 602 341 305 196
    105 255 257 200 205 415 478
    106 [907] 369 342 239 240 463
    107 260 332 6 551 [880] 400
    108 278 296 344 397 518 576
    109 133 433 567 400 22 325
    110 277 [844] 456 299 [946] 843
    111 [963] [959] 376 638 174 467
    112 [985] 505 144 225 545 365
    113 462 [972] 671 407 346 592
    114 172 313 81 515 482 548
    115 [919] 430 353 829 [916] 415
    116 708 521 425 297 307 474
    117 [942] 252 475 614 267
    118 260 104 189 387 428 651
    119 210 322 280 506 520 489
    120 [949] [797] 335 618 607 [783]
    121 [968] 281 283 69 399 [879]
    122 272 649 451 504 771 515
    123 272 60 746 718 642
    124 667 560 228 503 112
    125 [830] 210 232 645 528
    126 437 354 156 134 145
    127 454 422 113 428 225
    128 315 592 336 433 491
    129 286 272 593 538 220
    130 [933] [856] 385 311 561
    131 26 106 241 640 734
    132 683 446 251 339 513
    133 [941] 471 832 829 613
    134 [218] 333 361 196 417
    135 293 382 402 711 387
    136 [910] [876] 423 491 326
    137 392 179 400 767 [860]
    138 240 520 481 139 460
    139 [920] 258 370 541 [977]
    140 263 821 476 [850] 763
    141 [968] 269 598 337 712
    142 [968] 383 520 532 43
    143 [858] [850] 495 746 619
    144 [832] 430 539 [547] 706
    145 [991] 235 455 735 512
    146 709 387 319 [700] [820]
    147 [970] 853 781 421 735
    148 [629] 373 550 320 427
    149 955 430 424 792 515
    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    1 82 168 348 182 163 181
    2 89 179 243 338 249 290
    3 88 183 107 306 207 243
    4 116 201 234 234 221
    5 84 232 371 395 277 192
    6 93 186 163 90 303 347
    7 135 184 246 147 91 309
    8 96 229 276 103 333 209
    9 299 225 196 108 242 291
    10 51 319 367 77 71 243
    11 204 225 399 437 350 180
    12 269 287 354 126 217 214
    13 [981] 263 337 94 209 254
    14 196 208 257 337 330 221
    15 87 306 234 177 258 294
    16 [971] 277 300 244 282 259
    17 82 [989] 249 95 254 333
    18 552 263 225 341 218 236
    19 171 348 303 168 186 281
    20 340 375 292 221 334 330
    21 115 173 260 203 298 326
    22 288 330 27 108 238 375
    23 430 226 256 241 349
    24 428 329 301 218 379 332
    25 422 138 271 99 405 362
    26 254 172 126 383 250 269
    27 144 276 266 215 390 322
    28 236 257 268 391 370 356
    29 287 326 169 280 307 204
    30 454 218 251 232 58 438
    31 3 114 350 201 388 233
    32 379 263 369 157 307 380
    33 [620] [954] 71 37 213 [954]
    34 297 290 411 857 158 356
    35 577 374 445 59 347 388
    36 241 216 435 209 462 324
    37 584 332 319 129 370 361
    38 452 467 11 293 169 311
    39 17 237 228 23 425 424
    40 192 [960] 252 223 130 395
    41 166 163 203 197 307 328
    42 187 403 244 397 233 557
    43 118 206 15 339 403 319
    44 144 360 202 217 409 386
    45 291 277 132 395 346 237
    46 200 286 39 260 250
    47 220 [943] 265 367 356 269
    48 271 180 125 380 291 471
    49 161 411 27 291 [896] [893]
    50 319 166 424 159 327 803
    51 649 231 382 304 380 584
    52 381 306 305 365 90 244
    53 452 400 57 302 330 [883]
    54 319 231 295 260 195 342
    55 68 323 74 223 546 315
    56 150 [963] 232 305 543 494
    57 228 285 242 193 442 305
    58 546 327 301 241 335 452
    59 366 [970] 349 304 349 308
    60 232 263 554 220 207 508
    61 [921] 413 393 302 528 361
    62 282 341 246 480 359 276
    63 473 169 124 215 506 237
    64 547 35 349 293 294 387
    65 383 414 32 66 553 302
    66 291 283 231 283 264 511
    67 518 386 250 188 309 [949]
    68 492 [949] 276 421 [967] 657
    69 220 285 238 405 391 269
    70 136 426 208 388 349 619
    71 351 280 24 386 175 421
    72 [961] 180 372 117 343 679
    73 485 420 231 265 265 483
    74 355 343 246 268 309 290
    75 479 241 109 307 412 557
    76 400 376 232 433 382 360
    77 479 6 240 189 483 586
    78 469 533 296 354 494 433
    79 218 [958] 108 282 362 574
    80 732 390 312 181 287 660
    81 [426] [889] 311 104 295 [959]
    82 970 92 244 449 [896] 328
    83 297 [971] 371 199 456 343
    84 579 470 421 339 386 443
    85 224 969 285 500 428 690
    86 380 302 243 383 299 341
    87 [461] 542 31 394 501 309
    88 317 [907] 314 750 278 752
    89 378 337 379 394 396
    90 314 323 198 207 384 446
    91 367 350 468 206 362 414
    92 443 819 436 389 428 542
    93 637 326 386 31 378
    94 [906] 479 676 269 486 494
    95 333 296 313 370 500 290
    96 318 407 401 514 [856] 459
    97 290 362 249 467 259 513
    98 332 321 36 491 457 [875]
    99 373 [983] 265 298 285 60
    100 [911] 334 347 231 875 520
    101 240 [846] 924 544 408 341
    102 175 [943] 362 284 324 510
    103 488 [978] 368 279 568 503
    104 234 593 339 307 184
    105 254 235 172 203 407 460
    106 [903] 367 337 221 233 466
    107 258 331 2 517 [862] 392
    108 272 292 346 373 501 573
    109 129 433 567 351 19 316
    110 268 [822] 428 274 [945] 828
    111 [961] [954] 375 577 170 448
    112 [985] 492 129 216 499 364
    113 463 [963] 654 396 331 576
    114 174 312 71 570 508 546
    115 [898] 416 352 828 [906] 411
    116 693 533 376 284 306 438
    117 [923] 248 459 597 263
    118 258 98 180 338 426 639
    119 178 300 275 478 508 474
    120 [942] [788] 336 605 631 [762]
    121 [966] 280 235 51 391 [866]
    122 272 648 452 477 751 502
    123 270 58 723 665 629
    124 662 549 223 481 109
    125 [821] 207 229 511 512
    126 419 352 156 132 132
    127 442 413 110 420 217
    128 293 573 336 432 486
    129 287 271 595 479 218
    130 [925] [847] 381 271 514
    131 26 103 236 630 710
    132 582 439 256 336 483
    133 [940] 468 804 788 603
    134 [102] 328 359 209 402
    135 256 375 495 658 384
    136 [782] [857] 326 468 327
    137 381 178 377 746 [855]
    138 229 514 448 136 446
    139 [919] 258 366 510 [956]
    140 247 810 445 [259] 751
    141 [969] 256 591 286 696
    142 [966] 380 475 494 44
    143 [857] [850] 445 748 620
    144 [832] 414 538 [460] 684
    145 235 443 696 505
    146 676 387 282 [517] [825]
    147 [959] 853 889 412 743
    148 [616] 369 544 315 421
    149 949 418 404 679 502
    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    Name Rank Time Bold Public Execution Routing Luck
    1Lesson 11838383
    2Lesson 21909090
    3Lesson 31898989
    4Lesson 41116116116
    5Lesson 51858585
    6Lesson 61949494
    7Lesson 71139139139
    8Lesson 81969696
    9Nuts and Bolts1306306306
    17Nice Day1838383
    18Castle Moat1553553553
    20Tossed Salad1340340340
    22Forced Entry1293293293
    23Blobnet17429436 (-7)436 (-7)
    24Oorto Geld1430430430
    27Go with the Flow1147147147
    28Ping Pong1239239239
    32Scavenger Hunt1379379379
    33On the Rocks3[684]685 (-1)684
    37Seeing Stars1597597597
    41I.C. You1172172172
    42Beware of Bug1187187187
    43Lock Block1126126126
    45Monster Lab1292292292
    46Three Doors1222222222
    47Pier Seven1231231231
    48Mugger Square1277277277
    51I Slide1655655655
    52The Last Laugh1382382382
    53Traffic Cop1478478478
    57Strange Maze1229229229
    58Loop Around1550550550
    59Hidden Danger1368368368
    62Slo Mo1282282282
    63Block Factory1477477477
    68Eeny Miny Moe1489489489
    69Bounce City1229229229
    72Reverse Alley1[961]961961
    76Four Plex1416416416
    77Invincible Champion1481481481
    78Force Square1480480480
    79Drawn and Quartered1220220220
    80Vanishing Act1733733733
    81Writers Block9[511]528 (-17)516 (-5)
    82Socialist Action1969969969
    83Up the Block1298298298
    87Cityblock6[544]552 (-8)548 (-4)
    89Block Buster14389403 (-14)402 (-13)
    91Jumping Swarm1367367367
    93Roadsign21649651 (-2)651 (-2)
    94Now You See It1[906]906906
    95Four Square1335335335
    97Metastable to Chaos1290290290
    105Short Circuit1255255255
    107Balls O Fire1260260260
    108Block Out1278278278
    111Time Lapse1[963]963963
    112Fortune Favours The1[985]985985
    113Open Question1462462462
    115Oversea Delivery10[919]922 (-3)922 (-3)
    116Block Buster II21708717 (-9)714 (-6)
    117The Marsh1[942]942942
    118Miss Direction1260260260
    119Slide Step1210210210
    120Alphabet Soup1[949]949949
    121Perfect Match1[968]968968
    122Totally Fair1272272272
    123The Prisoner1272272272
    125Mixed Nuts1[830]830830
    126Block N Roll16437443 (-6)443 (-6)
    128All Full1315315315
    129Lobster Trap1286286286
    130Ice Cube1[933]933933
    131Totally Unfair1262626
    132Mix Up1683683683
    133Blobdance7[941]950 (-9)951 (-10)
    135Trust Me1293293293
    136Doublemaze8[910]926 (-16)926 (-16)
    138Partial Post3240241 (-1)240
    145Thanks to...1[991]991991
    146Cake Walk11709724 (-15)712 (-3)
    147Force Field1[970]970970
    148Mind Block1[629]629629
    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    Name Rank Time Bold Public Execution Routing Luck
    1Lesson 11828282
    2Lesson 21898989
    3Lesson 31888888
    4Lesson 41116116116
    5Lesson 51848484
    6Lesson 61939393
    7Lesson 71135135135
    8Lesson 81969696
    9Nuts and Bolts1299299299
    17Nice Day1828282
    18Castle Moat1552552552
    20Tossed Salad1340340340
    22Forced Entry1288288288
    23Blobnet4430435 (-5)435 (-5)
    24Oorto Geld3428432 (-4)428
    27Go with the Flow1144144144
    28Ping Pong1236236236
    32Scavenger Hunt1379379379
    33On the Rocks6[620]632 (-12)620
    37Seeing Stars5584588 (-4)582 (+2)
    41I.C. You1166166166
    42Beware of Bug1187187187
    43Lock Block1118118118
    45Monster Lab1291291291
    46Three Doors1200200200
    47Pier Seven1220220220
    48Mugger Square1271271271
    51I Slide1649649649
    52The Last Laugh1381381381
    53Traffic Cop1452452452
    57Strange Maze1228228228
    58Loop Around1546546546
    59Hidden Danger1366366366
    62Slo Mo1282282282
    63Block Factory1473473473
    68Eeny Miny Moe2492493 (-1)492
    69Bounce City1220220220
    72Reverse Alley1[961]961961
    76Four Plex5400407 (-7)394 (+6)
    77Invincible Champion1479479479
    78Force Square1469469469
    79Drawn and Quartered1218218218
    80Vanishing Act1732732732
    81Writers Block4[426]521 (-95)464 (-38)
    82Socialist Action1970970970
    83Up the Block1297297297
    87Cityblock4[461]524 (-63)500 (-39)
    89Block Buster4378383 (-5)383 (-5)
    91Jumping Swarm1367367367
    94Now You See It1[906]906906
    95Four Square1333333333
    97Metastable to Chaos1290290290
    105Short Circuit1254254254
    107Balls O Fire1258258258
    108Block Out1272272272
    110Chiller4268270 (-2)268
    111Time Lapse1[961]961961
    112Fortune Favours The1[985]985985
    113Open Question1463463463
    115Oversea Delivery1[898]898898
    116Block Buster II5693700 (-7)700 (-7)
    117The Marsh1[923]923923
    118Miss Direction1258258258
    119Slide Step1178178178
    120Alphabet Soup1[942]942942
    121Perfect Match1[966]966966
    122Totally Fair1272272272
    123The Prisoner1270270270
    125Mixed Nuts4[821]822 (-1)821
    126Block N Roll5419426 (-7)426 (-7)
    128All Full1293293293
    129Lobster Trap1287287287
    130Ice Cube1[925]925925
    131Totally Unfair1262626
    132Mix Up5582599 (-17)563 (+19)
    133Blobdance3[940]946 (-6)946 (-6)
    134Pain4[102]192 (-90)102
    135Trust Me1256256256
    138Partial Post1229229229
    143Stripes?5[857]858 (-1)858 (-1)
    For this pack, there is no level 145 in the Lynx ruleset
    146Cake Walk4676709 (-33)676
    147Force Field1[959]959959
    148Mind Block5[616]633 (-17)608 (+8)
    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    Name Rank Time Bold Public Execution Routing Luck
    1Lesson 11828282
    2Lesson 21909090
    3Lesson 31888888
    4Lesson 41116116116
    5Lesson 51848484
    6Lesson 61939393
    7Lesson 71135135135
    8Lesson 81969696
    9Nuts and Bolts1300300300
    17Nice Day1828282
    18Castle Moat1552552552
    20Tossed Salad1340340340
    22Forced Entry1289289289
    24Oorto Geld6408431 (-23)426 (-18)
    27Go with the Flow1145145145
    28Ping Pong1236236236
    32Scavenger Hunt1379379379
    33On the Rocks1000
    37Seeing Stars4589598 (-9)593 (-4)
    41I.C. You1166166166
    42Beware of Bug1187187187
    43Lock Block1122122122
    45Monster Lab1291291291
    46Three Doors1200200200
    47Pier Seven1222222222
    48Mugger Square1272272272
    51I Slide1649649649
    52The Last Laugh1381381381
    53Traffic Cop1452452452
    57Strange Maze1228228228
    58Loop Around1547547547
    59Hidden Danger1366366366
    62Slo Mo1282282282
    63Block Factory1474474474
    64Spooks4546548 (-2)546
    68Eeny Miny Moe5488498 (-10)494 (-6)
    69Bounce City1220220220
    72Reverse Alley1000
    73Morton7484487 (-3)485 (-1)
    76Four Plex5386409 (-23)407 (-21)
    77Invincible Champion1479479479
    78Force Square1469469469
    79Drawn and Quartered1218218218
    80Vanishing Act1732732732
    81Writers Block1000
    82Socialist Action1976976976
    83Up the Block1297297297
    89Block Buster4378386 (-8)381 (-3)
    91Jumping Swarm1366366366
    94Now You See It1000
    95Four Square1334334334
    96Paranoia5315317 (-2)315
    97Metastable to Chaos1290290290
    99Catacombs9357370 (-13)363 (-6)
    105Short Circuit1254254254
    107Balls O Fire1258258258
    108Block Out1272272272
    110Chiller4268270 (-2)267 (+1)
    111Time Lapse1000
    112Fortune Favours The1000
    113Open Question1462462462
    115Oversea Delivery1000
    116Block Buster II4691701 (-10)692 (-1)
    117The Marsh1000
    118Miss Direction1258258258
    119Slide Step1178178178
    120Alphabet Soup1000
    121Perfect Match1000
    122Totally Fair1271271271
    123The Prisoner1266266266
    125Mixed Nuts1000
    126Block N Roll5414435 (-21)435 (-21)
    128All Full7287294 (-7)292 (-5)
    129Lobster Trap1287287287
    130Ice Cube1000
    131Totally Unfair1252525
    132Mix Up5652683 (-31)678 (-26)
    135Trust Me1255255255
    138Partial Post1229229229
    145Thanks to...1000
    146Cake Walk4681719 (-38)690 (-9)
    147Force Field1000
    148Mind Block1000
    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    Name Rank Time Bold Public Execution Routing Luck
    1Key Pyramid1168168168
    2Slip and Slide1180180180
    3Present Company1183183183
    4Block Party1207207207
    6When Insects Attack1185185185
    7Under Pressure1185185185
    9Swept Away1228228228
    12Leave No Stone Unturned1289289289
    13The Monster Cages1263263263
    18Square Dancing1264264264
    19Feel the Static1351351351
    20Chip Suey1380380380
    21Generic Ice Level1175175175
    22Repair the Maze1330330330
    24Chip's Checkers1343343343
    25Mind Lock1139139139
    26Trafalgar Square5173174 (-1)173
    27Teleport Depot1283283283
    28The Last Starfighter11273276 (-3)276 (-3)
    29Sky High or Deep Down1326326326
    30Button Brigade1219219219
    33Spitting Image1[956]956956
    34Just a Bunch of Letters1290290290
    35Mystery Wall1379379379
    38Heat Conductor1483483483
    39Dig and Dig1237237237
    40Sea Side1[962]962962
    41Descending Ceiling1166166166
    44Frozen Labyrinth1365365365
    45Who's the Boss?1279279279
    46Sapphire Cavern1286286286
    47Bombs Away2[956]957 (-1)956
    4949 Cell1430430430
    50The Grass Is Greener on the Other Side1167167167
    51H2O Below 273 K6271274 (-3)274 (-3)
    52The Bone1309309309
    53Start at the End1410410410
    54Mini Pyramid7235236 (-1)235
    55The Chambers1322322322
    56Connect the Chips1[963]963963
    57Key Farming1296296296
    62Design Swap1346346346
    63New Block in Town1174174174
    64Chip Kart 641454545
    65Squared in a Circle1428428428
    66Klausswergner8287291 (-4)287
    67Booster Shots1304304304
    68Flames and Ashes1[949]949949
    69Double Diversion1288288288
    72Breathing Room1183183183
    74Traveler9352353 (-1)353 (-1)
    76Funfair9382426 (-44)384 (-2)
    77Shuttle Run1888
    78Secret Passages1533533533
    81Colors for Extreme3[900]906 (-6)900
    82Launch49596 (-1)96 (-1)
    83Ruined World1[972]972972
    84Mining for Gold Keys1474474474
    85Black Hole1971971971
    86Starry Night1309309309
    88Chip Block Galaxy8[906]910 (-4)907 (-1)
    89Chip Grove City1345345345
    90Bowling Alleys9340343 (-3)340
    92The Shifting Maze9825837 (-12)825
    93Flame War1328328328
    94Slime Forest1479479479
    96Going Underground1408408408
    97Gate Keeper1365365365
    98Rat Race1329329329
    99Deserted Battlefield1[983]983983
    100Loose Pocket1332332332
    101Time Suspension6[840]851 (-11)851 (-11)
    102Frozen in Time1[944]944944
    104Hotel Chip1602602602
    105Tunnel Clearance1257257257
    107Paramecium Palace1332332332
    108Exhibit Hall1296296296
    109Green Clear1433433433
    110Badlands5[844]846 (-2)844
    111Alternate Universe1[959]959959
    113Teleport Trouble5[972]973 (-1)972
    114Comfort Zone1313313313
    117Blobs on a Plane4252255 (-3)255 (-3)
    118Runaway Train1104104104
    119The Sewers1322322322
    120Metal Harbor8[797]801 (-4)799 (-2)
    121Chip Plank Galleon9281286 (-5)281
    122Jeepers Creepers11649651 (-2)649
    123The Very Hungry Caterpillar1606060
    124Utter Clutter1560560560
    127In the Pink1422422422
    128Elemental Park6592596 (-4)596 (-4)
    130Dynamite4[856]874 (-18)856
    131Easier Than It Looks1106106106
    133Steam Cleaner Simulator7471472 (-1)471
    136Whirlpool7[876]885 (-9)885 (-9)
    137Thief Street1179179179
    138Chip Alone1520520520
    140Automatic (Caution) Doors6821825 (-4)824 (-3)
    142Bummbua Banubauabgv1383383383
    144The Ancient Temple8430431 (-1)431 (-1)
    145Chance Time!1235235235
    147Thief, You've Taken All That Was Me1853853853
    148The Snipers1373373373
    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    Name Rank Time Bold Public Execution Routing Luck
    1Key Pyramid1168168168
    2Slip and Slide1179179179
    3Present Company1183183183
    4Block Party1201201201
    6When Insects Attack1186186186
    7Under Pressure1184184184
    9Swept Away1225225225
    12Leave No Stone Unturned1287287287
    13The Monster Cages1263263263
    18Square Dancing1263263263
    19Feel the Static1348348348
    20Chip Suey1375375375
    21Generic Ice Level1173173173
    22Repair the Maze1330330330
    24Chip's Checkers1329329329
    25Mind Lock1138138138
    26Trafalgar Square3172173 (-1)172
    27Teleport Depot1276276276
    28The Last Starfighter5257258 (-1)258 (-1)
    29Sky High or Deep Down1326326326
    30Button Brigade1218218218
    33Spitting Image1[954]954954
    34Just a Bunch of Letters1290290290
    35Mystery Wall1374374374
    38Heat Conductor1467467467
    39Dig and Dig1237237237
    40Sea Side1[960]960960
    41Descending Ceiling1163163163
    44Frozen Labyrinth1360360360
    45Who's the Boss?1277277277
    46Sapphire Cavern1286286286
    47Bombs Away4[943]951 (-8)943
    4949 Cell5411413 (-2)411
    50The Grass Is Greener on the Other Side1166166166
    51H2O Below 273 K1231231231
    52The Bone2306308 (-2)306
    53Start at the End1400400400
    54Mini Pyramid2231232 (-1)231
    55The Chambers1323323323
    56Connect the Chips1[963]963963
    57Key Farming1285285285
    62Design Swap1341341341
    63New Block in Town1169169169
    64Chip Kart 641353535
    65Squared in a Circle1414414414
    66Klausswergner6283286 (-3)283
    67Booster Shots1386386386
    68Flames and Ashes1[949]949949
    69Double Diversion1285285285
    72Breathing Room1180180180
    73Occupied4420421 (-1)420
    77Shuttle Run1666
    78Secret Passages1533533533
    81Colors for Extreme1[889]889889
    83Ruined World1[971]971971
    84Mining for Gold Keys1470470470
    85Black Hole1969969969
    86Starry Night1302302302
    88Chip Block Galaxy5[907]911 (-4)907
    89Chip Grove City5337339 (-2)338 (-1)
    90Bowling Alleys6323329 (-6)323
    92The Shifting Maze7819831 (-12)819
    93Flame War1326326326
    94Slime Forest1479479479
    96Going Underground1407407407
    97Gate Keeper1362362362
    98Rat Race1321321321
    99Deserted Battlefield1[983]983983
    100Loose Pocket1334334334
    101Time Suspension4[846]849 (-3)848 (-2)
    102Frozen in Time1[943]943943
    104Hotel Chip1593593593
    105Tunnel Clearance1235235235
    106Jailbird5367375 (-8)367
    107Paramecium Palace1331331331
    108Exhibit Hall1292292292
    109Green Clear1433433433
    110Badlands5[822]839 (-17)837 (-15)
    111Alternate Universe1[954]954954
    112Carousel2492493 (-1)492
    113Teleport Trouble3[963]964 (-1)963
    114Comfort Zone1312312312
    115California6416419 (-3)416
    116Communism3533534 (-1)534 (-1)
    117Blobs on a Plane5248253 (-5)253 (-5)
    118Runaway Train1989898
    119The Sewers7300301 (-1)300
    120Metal Harbor5[788]792 (-4)789 (-1)
    121Chip Plank Galleon4280284 (-4)280
    122Jeepers Creepers5648651 (-3)648
    123The Very Hungry Caterpillar1585858
    124Utter Clutter1549549549
    127In the Pink1413413413
    128Elemental Park1573573573
    130Dynamite5[847]871 (-24)851 (-4)
    131Easier Than It Looks1103103103
    133Steam Cleaner Simulator2468469 (-1)468
    137Thief Street1178178178
    138Chip Alone1514514514
    140Automatic (Caution) Doors6810818 (-8)811 (-1)
    142Bummbua Banubauabgv1380380380
    144The Ancient Temple5414416 (-2)415 (-1)
    145Chance Time!1235235235
    147Thief, You've Taken All That Was Me1853853853
    148The Snipers2369371 (-2)369
    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    Name Rank Time Bold Public Execution Routing Luck
    1A Fleeting Memory1347347347
    2Naomi's Bug Collection1243243243
    3Bea's Den1109109109
    4Force World1237237237
    5Suction Ride1377377377
    6Fixing the Toggle Switch1163163163
    7Slightly Mad1254254254
    8Use the Fish1302302302
    9Maze of One Way1197197197
    10Who Needs a Flipper?1368368368
    12Mazed In1354354354
    13The Serial Port1342342342
    14The Parallel Port1258258258
    15Debug File1237237237
    16Paw-Print Isle1314314314
    17Double Trouble1256256256
    19A Sample of Things to Come1301301301
    20Ranger Denmark1293293293
    21Block Away!1264264264
    22How Goes?1272727
    23Traps I1254254254
    24Sudden Death1305305305
    25Race for the Chips1269269269
    26Work Fast1128128128
    27Frozen Floors1276276276
    28Madness I1266266266
    29Fire and Water1169169169
    30Chase Race1246246246
    31Well of Wishes1365365365
    33The Big Button Quest1767676
    34Cypher II1404404404
    37The Mystery of the Seven Chips1324324324
    38Mads' Rush I1111111
    40Traps II1249249249
    41Ladder Needs a Wash1207207207
    43Ray of Light1191919
    44Fun House Rink1205205205
    45Breaking the Rules1138138138
    46Hurry Up, Chip!1404040
    48And Then There Were... Four?1125125125
    49Just a Minute!!1303030
    51The Lake in Winter1395395395
    52Oracle I1313313313
    53Security Breach1585858
    54Killer Rooms1303303303
    55Dangers of Fire and Beasts1787878
    56Planet of the Teeth1236236236
    59Lot of Danger4352353 (-1)353 (-1)
    60Internal Clock1566566566
    61Icy Moat1421421421
    62Chips on the Blocks1256256256
    63Jungle6128130 (-2)130 (-2)
    64Loop Holes1348348348
    65Beware of the Teeth!1383838
    66Hobgoblins and Chimera1233233233
    67The One Sensible Chip1255255255
    68Madness II9273277 (-4)277 (-4)
    69So Many Chips!1238238238
    70Killer Spiral1220220220
    71Mads' Rush II52526 (-1)26 (-1)
    72Checkerboard I5451453 (-2)452 (-1)
    73Bumble Boy1232232232
    74Chip Search1253253253
    76Fire Bugs1241241241
    77Madd Maze1244244244
    78The Search for the Exit1298298298
    80Frost Swirl1316316316
    81Just Enough1346346346
    82The Block Stops Here1253253253
    83Warehouse I1388388388
    84Crypts of Aganorak1426426426
    85Follow the Glacier Brick Road12304306 (-2)306 (-2)
    86Creative One-Ways1249249249
    87The Walker Machine1202020
    88Don't Get Lost1317317317
    89The Ghetto Defender1381381381
    90Marjolaine's Maze1204204204
    92Abandoned Mines9458459 (-1)459 (-1)
    93Exit Chip1388388388
    94Checkerboard II3776788 (-12)776
    96Glider and Fire1398398398
    97Roller Coaster1265265265
    98Loop53738 (-1)38 (-1)
    99One-Block Sokoban1269269269
    101Hard as Rock1924924924
    102Chip's Fight1371371371
    103Island Hopping11384393 (-9)392 (-8)
    105Yet Another Puzzle1200200200
    107Joyride I1666
    109Blocked Trap1567567567
    110It's a Kind of Magic1456456456
    111Monster Factory1376376376
    112After the Rainstorm1144144144
    113Oorto Geld II1671671671
    114Joyride II1818181
    115Counter Clockwise1353353353
    116Turn Turn Turn1425425425
    117CircleMaze8475476 (-1)476 (-1)
    118High Security1189189189
    120Frost Rings1335335335
    121Flame Boy1283283283
    122Warehouse II1451451451
    125Blocks 'n Bombs1232232232
    127Escape from Chipkatraz1113113113
    128Fantasy Island1336336336
    130Frozen Birdbath1385385385
    131Time Bomb1241241241
    133Block Maze8832834 (-2)832
    136Switch Hit1423423423
    137Iron Mysticus1400400400
    139Frostbite10370373 (-3)373 (-3)
    140Keep Trying8476484 (-8)484 (-8)
    141Oracle II3598599 (-1)598
    142Chomper Romp1520520520
    145Gauntlet15455458 (-3)458 (-3)
    147Cloner's Maze3781789 (-8)781
    149Key Color1424424424
    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    Name Rank Time Bold Public Execution Routing Luck
    1A Fleeting Memory1348348348
    2Naomi's Bug Collection1243243243
    3Bea's Den1107107107
    4Force World1234234234
    5Suction Ride1371371371
    6Fixing the Toggle Switch1163163163
    7Slightly Mad1246246246
    8Use the Fish1276276276
    9Maze of One Way1196196196
    10Who Needs a Flipper?1367367367
    11Deconstruction4399407 (-8)402 (-3)
    12Mazed In1354354354
    13The Serial Port1337337337
    14The Parallel Port1257257257
    15Debug File1234234234
    16Paw-Print Isle6300306 (-6)301 (-1)
    17Double Trouble1249249249
    19A Sample of Things to Come1303303303
    20Ranger Denmark1292292292
    21Block Away!1260260260
    22How Goes?1272727
    23Traps I1256256256
    24Sudden Death1301301301
    25Race for the Chips1271271271
    26Work Fast1126126126
    27Frozen Floors1266266266
    28Madness I1268268268
    29Fire and Water1169169169
    30Chase Race1251251251
    31Well of Wishes1350350350
    33The Big Button Quest1717171
    34Cypher II5411417 (-6)415 (-4)
    37The Mystery of the Seven Chips1319319319
    38Mads' Rush I1111111
    40Traps II1252252252
    41Ladder Needs a Wash6203208 (-5)207 (-4)
    43Ray of Light1151515
    44Fun House Rink1202202202
    45Breaking the Rules1132132132
    46Hurry Up, Chip!1393939
    48And Then There Were... Four?1125125125
    49Just a Minute!!1272727
    51The Lake in Winter1382382382
    52Oracle I2305306 (-1)305
    53Security Breach1575757
    54Killer Rooms1295295295
    55Dangers of Fire and Beasts27475 (-1)74
    56Planet of the Teeth1232232232
    57Quad-Boot4242244 (-2)242
    59Lot of Danger1349349349
    60Internal Clock2554560 (-6)554
    61Icy Moat1393393393
    62Chips on the Blocks1246246246
    63Jungle4124130 (-6)130 (-6)
    64Loop Holes1349349349
    65Beware of the Teeth!1323232
    66Hobgoblins and Chimera1231231231
    67The One Sensible Chip1250250250
    68Madness II3276280 (-4)276
    69So Many Chips!1238238238
    70Killer Spiral1208208208
    71Mads' Rush II1242424
    72Checkerboard I5372444 (-72)434 (-62)
    73Bumble Boy1231231231
    74Chip Search1246246246
    76Fire Bugs1232232232
    77Madd Maze1240240240
    78The Search for the Exit1296296296
    80Frost Swirl1312312312
    81Just Enough1311311311
    82The Block Stops Here4244246 (-2)243 (+1)
    83Warehouse I1371371371
    84Crypts of Aganorak2421422 (-1)421
    85Follow the Glacier Brick Road1285285285
    86Creative One-Ways5243248 (-5)248 (-5)
    87The Walker Machine1313131
    88Don't Get Lost1314314314
    89The Ghetto Defender1379379379
    90Marjolaine's Maze1198198198
    92Abandoned Mines5436453 (-17)453 (-17)
    93Exit Chip2386387 (-1)386
    94Checkerboard II4676740 (-64)750 (-74)
    96Glider and Fire2401407 (-6)401
    97Roller Coaster1249249249
    99One-Block Sokoban1265265265
    101Hard as Rock1924924924
    102Chip's Fight4362364 (-2)362
    103Island Hopping5368385 (-17)378 (-10)
    105Yet Another Puzzle4172194 (-22)182 (-10)
    107Joyride I1222
    109Blocked Trap3567569 (-2)567
    110It's a Kind of Magic5428443 (-15)440 (-12)
    111Monster Factory1375375375
    112After the Rainstorm1129129129
    113Oorto Geld II6654670 (-16)665 (-11)
    114Joyride II1717171
    115Counter Clockwise1352352352
    116Turn Turn Turn5376412 (-36)390 (-14)
    118High Security1180180180
    119Teeth4275278 (-3)278 (-3)
    120Frost Rings1336336336
    121Flame Boy1235235235
    122Warehouse II3452455 (-3)453 (-1)
    123BlockSlide5723747 (-24)736 (-13)
    125Blocks 'n Bombs1229229229
    127Escape from Chipkatraz4110111 (-1)110
    128Fantasy Island1336336336
    130Frozen Birdbath1381381381
    131Time Bomb7236254 (-18)240 (-4)
    133Block Maze8804820 (-16)814 (-10)
    136Switch Hit7326343 (-17)338 (-12)
    137Iron Mysticus1377377377
    138Patrolled5448484 (-36)476 (-28)
    139Frostbite5366367 (-1)366
    140Keep Trying3445462 (-17)470 (-25)
    141Oracle II5591597 (-6)592 (-1)
    142Chomper Romp6475486 (-11)477 (-2)
    145Gauntlet6443455 (-12)447 (-4)
    146Run-a-Muck5282326 (-44)320 (-38)
    147Cloner's Maze1889889889
    148Neptune2544547 (-3)538 (+6)
    149Key Color6404416 (-12)413 (-9)
    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    Name Rank Time Bold Public Execution Routing Luck
    1Entrance Examination1192192192
    2Snakes and Ladders1342342342
    3A Walk in the Park1312312312
    4Suction Solution1245245245
    5Toggle Bust1395395395
    6Thieves and Teleports1939393
    7Dancing Gliders1152152152
    9Redoubled Effort1111111111
    10Annoying Wall1797979
    11Blue Blocks1448448448
    12My Friend1125125125
    13Road Block1107107107
    14Window Shopping1347347347
    16Two Sets of Rules1254254254
    17Lot in Life1979797
    19Super Chip1174174174
    21Mud and Water1211211211
    23Map the Path1245245245
    26Spiral8394396 (-2)396 (-2)
    27Jumble7228235 (-7)235 (-7)
    28Pac Man1392392392
    29Tool Box1285285285
    30Problem Solver1232232232
    31Bouncin' Blocks1211211211
    32Pearl Diving1157157157
    33Vague Dream44041 (-1)41 (-1)
    34Motion Blur8876878 (-2)878 (-2)
    36Zelgon's Lair1222222222
    37Blue Moon1135135135
    38Wireframe8304309 (-5)304
    39Cheap Shots and Dirty Tricks1373737
    42Every Trick in the Book5421422 (-1)421
    43Who's Left?1339339339
    44Tiny Spirals1217217217
    45Block Head1411411411
    46Get a Clue6278281 (-3)278
    47Flame Thrower9369371 (-2)369
    48All About Buttons1391391391
    49All About Blocks1306306306
    50Once Upon a Troubadour1154154154
    51Dancing on Ice6329333 (-4)333 (-4)
    52Dolly Mixtures1365365365
    54Good Advice7279286 (-7)279
    56Item Unlocker1317317317
    59Air Pocket3322328 (-6)322
    60Red, Green and Blue1258258258
    61Bump and Run1318318318
    62Go Back to Start1488488488
    63Pocket Puzzle1230230230
    65Countdown66772 (-5)71 (-4)
    66The Aftermath6293300 (-7)300 (-7)
    67The Haunted House1190190190
    68Incident on a Bridge1430430430
    69Coal Mine1426426426
    70On the Coast6405410 (-5)405
    71How to Get Around in Venice1432432432
    72Fireball Tourism6125132 (-7)127 (-2)
    73Take the I Train1265265265
    75Chip Alone: Lost in Chip City1314314314
    76Complex6496510 (-14)510 (-14)
    78Slide Show1411411411
    79Clear the Way7311313 (-2)311
    80Checkers6191194 (-3)191
    82Mediterranean8480506 (-26)493 (-13)
    83Billiards4229231 (-2)229
    84No End in Sight1346346346
    85Maginot Line5507516 (-9)507
    86To Catch a Thief1392392392
    87Block and Key7396397 (-1)396
    88Which One Next?8792795 (-3)795 (-3)
    89Replay II1398398398
    91Olly Olly Oxen1229229229
    92Bolkonski5404410 (-6)405 (-1)
    95Waste of Space1381381381
    96In the Limelight1515515515
    97Jumble II7482484 (-2)484 (-2)
    99Freezer6320326 (-6)322 (-2)
    101The Ghosts at the Massingham Mansion7608615 (-7)610 (-2)
    102Triple Alarm9350386 (-36)355 (-5)
    103Prison Break6308312 (-4)311 (-3)
    104Civilization of Creatures7305317 (-12)315 (-10)
    106Oil Rig5239241 (-2)239
    107Lazy Hourglass5551553 (-2)551
    108Magic Trick1397397397
    109Hidden Depths7400411 (-11)400
    110Floating Plaza10299315 (-16)306 (-7)
    111Bustin' Out1638638638
    113Stress Fracture4407413 (-6)407
    114Lead Us Not into Temptation17515579 (-64)579 (-64)
    115Triple Maze1829829829
    116Mini Challenges8297303 (-6)301 (-4)
    117Mice Are Good for Something7614642 (-28)630 (-16)
    118Obstacle Course6387394 (-7)387
    119Elite7506514 (-8)514 (-8)
    120Twisted Chambers7618628 (-10)628 (-10)
    122Manic Depression1504504504
    123Investment9718739 (-21)720 (-2)
    124Jumble III1503503503
    125Water Trap6645667 (-22)649 (-4)
    127Beat the Heat7428437 (-9)428
    128Divide and Conquer1433433433
    129Everybody Get Dangerous9538551 (-13)551 (-13)
    130Four by Four4311325 (-14)311
    131Mental Blocks7640656 (-16)640
    132Commit Suicide?1339339339
    133Think Tank6829830 (-1)829
    134We'll Be Right Back5196220 (-24)196
    135Color Wheel9711780 (-69)725 (-14)
    136Grand Prix11491621 (-130)539 (-48)
    137Vulcan10767816 (-49)768 (-1)
    139Rotation6541590 (-49)560 (-19)
    140Yet Another Yet Another Puzzle5[850]851 (-1)851 (-1)
    141Bug Arranging1337337337
    142Mudpie5532535 (-3)532
    143Same Game7746749 (-3)746
    144You Can't Teach an Old Frog New Tricks8[547]836 (-289)633 (-86)
    145Recurring Dream1735735735
    146Suspended Animation3[700]809 (-109)745 (-45)
    147Avalanche9421514 (-93)433 (-12)
    149Mr. McCallahan Presents6792813 (-21)803 (-11)
    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    Name Rank Time Bold Public Execution Routing Luck
    1Entrance Examination1182182182
    2Snakes and Ladders1338338338
    3A Walk in the Park1306306306
    4Suction Solution1234234234
    5Toggle Bust1395395395
    6Thieves and Teleports1909090
    7Dancing Gliders1147147147
    9Redoubled Effort1108108108
    10Annoying Wall67785 (-8)84 (-7)
    11Blue Blocks1437437437
    12My Friend1126126126
    13Road Block1949494
    14Window Shopping1337337337
    16Two Sets of Rules1244244244
    17Lot in Life29598 (-3)95
    19Super Chip1168168168
    21Mud and Water1203203203
    23Map the Path3241242 (-1)241
    27Jumble6215219 (-4)216 (-1)
    28Pac Man1391391391
    29Tool Box1280280280
    30Problem Solver1232232232
    31Bouncin' Blocks1201201201
    32Pearl Diving1157157157
    33Vague Dream43739 (-2)37
    34Motion Blur4857863 (-6)863 (-6)
    36Zelgon's Lair6209215 (-6)210 (-1)
    37Blue Moon1129129129
    38Wireframe7293309 (-16)305 (-12)
    39Cheap Shots and Dirty Tricks1232323
    42Every Trick in the Book7397407 (-10)406 (-9)
    43Who's Left?1339339339
    44Tiny Spirals1217217217
    45Block Head5395410 (-15)408 (-13)
    46Get a Clue7260276 (-16)275 (-15)
    47Flame Thrower6367370 (-3)367
    48All About Buttons5380393 (-13)388 (-8)
    49All About Blocks4291292 (-1)292 (-1)
    50Once Upon a Troubadour1159159159
    51Dancing on Ice1304304304
    52Dolly Mixtures1365365365
    54Good Advice5260273 (-13)268 (-8)
    55Construct-a-Maze7223235 (-12)231 (-8)
    56Item Unlocker4305306 (-1)306 (-1)
    59Air Pocket7304318 (-14)314 (-10)
    60Red, Green and Blue2220239 (-19)220
    61Bump and Run8302308 (-6)307 (-5)
    62Go Back to Start1480480480
    63Pocket Puzzle6215231 (-16)224 (-9)
    64Producing6293310 (-17)308 (-15)
    66The Aftermath1283283283
    67The Haunted House1188188188
    68Incident on a Bridge5421428 (-7)421
    69Coal Mine6405422 (-17)419 (-14)
    70On the Coast5388409 (-21)390 (-2)
    71How to Get Around in Venice5386418 (-32)418 (-32)
    72Fireball Tourism6117127 (-10)117
    73Take the I Train1265265265
    75Chip Alone: Lost in Chip City1307307307
    76Complex8433501 (-68)488 (-55)
    78Slide Show7354384 (-30)383 (-29)
    79Clear the Way6282308 (-26)301 (-19)
    80Checkers6181191 (-10)185 (-4)
    82Mediterranean6449483 (-34)471 (-22)
    83Billiards7199225 (-26)212 (-13)
    84No End in Sight2339340 (-1)339
    85Maginot Line4500507 (-7)500
    86To Catch a Thief2383386 (-3)386 (-3)
    87Block and Key6394400 (-6)394
    88Which One Next?6750756 (-6)750
    89Replay II1394394394
    91Olly Olly Oxen6206224 (-18)218 (-12)
    92Bolkonski5389395 (-6)391 (-2)
    95Waste of Space1370370370
    96In the Limelight1514514514
    97Jumble II7467475 (-8)475 (-8)
    99Freezer5298312 (-14)307 (-9)
    101The Ghosts at the Massingham Mansion8544606 (-62)606 (-62)
    102Triple Alarm8284360 (-76)348 (-64)
    103Prison Break6279301 (-22)294 (-15)
    104Civilization of Creatures1307307307
    106Oil Rig6221229 (-8)223 (-2)
    107Lazy Hourglass5517553 (-36)539 (-22)
    108Magic Trick7373397 (-24)395 (-22)
    109Hidden Depths7351398 (-47)384 (-33)
    110Floating Plaza6274310 (-36)298 (-24)
    111Bustin' Out4577606 (-29)602 (-25)
    113Stress Fracture7396407 (-11)399 (-3)
    114Lead Us Not into Temptation1570570570
    115Triple Maze1828828828
    116Mini Challenges4284287 (-3)286 (-2)
    117Mice Are Good for Something5597635 (-38)611 (-14)
    118Obstacle Course6338392 (-54)375 (-37)
    119Elite6478480 (-2)480 (-2)
    120Twisted Chambers3605615 (-10)605
    121Jaywalker85163 (-12)63 (-12)
    122Manic Depression5477504 (-27)477
    123Investment4665712 (-47)665
    124Jumble III7481500 (-19)481
    125Water Trap7511652 (-141)511
    127Beat the Heat4420433 (-13)420
    128Divide and Conquer1432432432
    129Everybody Get Dangerous6479514 (-35)479
    130Four by Four6271318 (-47)271
    131Mental Blocks4630653 (-23)630
    132Commit Suicide?1336336336
    133Think Tank4788834 (-46)788
    134We'll Be Right Back3209215 (-6)209
    135Color Wheel5658704 (-46)658
    136Grand Prix5468533 (-65)468
    137Vulcan5746816 (-70)746
    139Rotation4510525 (-15)510
    140Yet Another Yet Another Puzzle4[259]341 (-82)259
    141Bug Arranging6286335 (-49)286
    142Mudpie5494527 (-33)494
    143Same Game7748751 (-3)748
    144You Can't Teach an Old Frog New Tricks7[460]635 (-175)661 (-201)
    145Recurring Dream4696716 (-20)696
    146Suspended Animation7[517]681 (-164)517
    147Avalanche5412503 (-91)412
    148Diabolical5315318 (-3)317 (-2)
    149Mr. McCallahan Presents6679761 (-82)679
    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    Name Rank Time Bold Public Execution Routing Luck
    2Pixelated Fire1251251251
    3Fossilized Snow1220220220
    5Non-Dimensional Layer1277277277
    6Proving Grounds1310310310
    7In the Pool1939393
    8The Fourth Dimension1333333333
    10Stuck in Emerald1757575
    11Keyboard Malfunction1350350350
    13Encased in Carbonite1213213213
    15Cross Back1260260260
    16Reservoir Frogs1285285285
    17The Three Trials1254254254
    18Inferno Dynamics1221221221
    19Conservation of Keys1187187187
    20It's No Skin Off My Teeth1342342342
    21Glacial Palace1303303303
    23Western Standards of Living1349349349
    24It's Easy Being Green1387387387
    25Difficulty Switch1415415415
    27Suburban Legend7399402 (-3)400 (-1)
    28Zephyr Heights1403403403
    29Flipper Departments1313313313
    31Big Boulder Alley1397397397
    32Blended Brussels Sprouts7320321 (-1)321 (-1)
    33Tool Shed1215215215
    34Frozen Waffle8178180 (-2)180 (-2)
    35Chasing Chips1356356356
    36One Who Raids Tombs1471471471
    37Tropical Hibiscus6385388 (-3)388 (-3)
    38Detonation Station7196209 (-13)196
    39In the Walls of Gravel Castle1454454454
    40Periodic Lasers1130130130
    41Ghetto Piranha1310310310
    42Nova Prospect7237246 (-9)237
    43Coral Reef7422427 (-5)422
    44Blobfield7412413 (-1)413 (-1)
    45Seven-Layer Salad6366370 (-4)369 (-3)
    46Exclusive Or1251251251
    47Antidisruptive Caves1353353353
    48Key Insight1298298298
    49Block Parking1[902]902902
    50Secret Underground Society7334345 (-11)337 (-3)
    51Ice in a Blender1392392392
    52It Suits the Purpose1103103103
    53Protect Your Fortress1334334334
    54Split Path6208210 (-2)210 (-2)
    55If I Ran the Zoo7534550 (-16)534
    56Fireworks Factory7549557 (-8)554 (-5)
    57Bisection6448459 (-11)448
    58Ruinous Plaza4335346 (-11)346 (-11)
    59Blockpick7339355 (-16)355 (-16)
    61Blue Tooth1536536536
    62Block Unpuzzle1356356356
    63Pneumatic Diversity Vents1513513513
    64Excuse Me7311321 (-10)311
    65Duplex7561629 (-68)598 (-37)
    67Nuclear Energy for Dummies1317317317
    68Cold Fusion Reactor4[979]984 (-5)984 (-5)
    69Ball in an Awkward Place1399399399
    70Science Museum7361379 (-18)361
    72Sewerway7358363 (-5)363 (-5)
    73Sealed Doors in the Spacecraft1266266266
    74Technopathic4336347 (-11)336
    75Unmitigated Hint Factory Disaster6416427 (-11)427 (-11)
    76Flow State1397397397
    77Brick Block Facility7490504 (-14)490
    78Aquatic Ruins4507525 (-18)507
    79Spring8356379 (-23)379 (-23)
    80Monster Swapper1292292292
    81Estranged for a Season4312317 (-5)312
    82Puzzle Box4[907]940 (-33)907
    83Frozen Over7439465 (-26)465 (-26)
    85Nectar Meadow1445445445
    86Cyprus8323328 (-5)327 (-4)
    87And the Walls Kept Tumbling Down7516526 (-10)516
    88Empty Rooms1278278278
    89Diametric Opposition8393405 (-12)397 (-4)
    90Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy6375397 (-22)375
    91How to Retune Your Harp1472472472
    92Fire Is My Enemy1436436436
    93Bombs Are a Beautiful Thing1384384384
    94Ditchdigger5504514 (-10)504
    96Lean Thinking4[870]890 (-20)872 (-2)
    98Clay Tunnel1470470470
    99Ice Cavern1302302302
    100One Tank's Adventure1920920920
    101Condo Management6412423 (-11)412
    102The Key Issue1326326326
    103Malachite7572606 (-34)579 (-7)
    105Living Things1415415415
    107Combinations5[880]889 (-9)880
    108Scatterbrained3518534 (-16)518
    111Water Bottle1174174174
    112Triple Mint Slurpee4545550 (-5)550 (-5)
    113Half of You, Half of Me1346346346
    114Repugnant Nonsense7482525 (-43)482
    116They're Not Called Blocks for Nothing5307322 (-15)307
    117Greenian Motion4267269 (-2)269 (-2)
    118Chip Controls5428438 (-10)428
    120Construct-a-Sokoban10607667 (-60)607
    121Death and Destruction6399440 (-41)399
    122Jigsee7771772 (-1)772 (-1)
    123Life Is Not a Puzzle7642666 (-24)642
    124Air Bubble1112112112
    125Beautiful Struggle3528535 (-7)528
    126Bind Mender8145146 (-1)146 (-1)
    127Wrong Exit1225225225
    128Mindless Self-Indulgence7491519 (-28)491
    129Undefined Fantastic Object1220220220
    130Bam Thwok1561561561
    131Jigsaw6734781 (-47)734
    133Monochrome8613634 (-21)613
    134Pushover5417429 (-12)415 (+2)
    136Seeing Red6326347 (-21)326
    137The Longest Track9[860]868 (-8)860
    138Zipper7460471 (-11)460
    140Repair the Automatic (Caution) Doors8763835 (-72)763
    141World of a Thousand Flames1712712712
    143Color Coordination8619652 (-33)633 (-14)
    144Paradigm Shift5706731 (-25)706
    145Hacked Save File1512512512
    146Japanese Game Show5[820]866 (-46)820
    147Gimmick Isle6735772 (-37)735
    148Gravity Well8427431 (-4)431 (-4)
    149Mental Marvel Monastery1515515515
    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    Name Rank Time Bold Public Execution Routing Luck
    2Pixelated Fire5249250 (-1)249
    3Fossilized Snow1207207207
    5Non-Dimensional Layer1277277277
    6Proving Grounds5303304 (-1)303
    7In the Pool1919191
    8The Fourth Dimension1333333333
    10Stuck in Emerald1717171
    11Keyboard Malfunction1350350350
    13Encased in Carbonite5209211 (-2)209
    15Cross Back1258258258
    16Reservoir Frogs1282282282
    17The Three Trials1254254254
    18Inferno Dynamics5218219 (-1)218
    19Conservation of Keys1186186186
    20It's No Skin Off My Teeth5334342 (-8)334
    21Glacial Palace1298298298
    23Western Standards of Living1349349349
    24It's Easy Being Green1379379379
    25Difficulty Switch3405409 (-4)405
    27Suburban Legend4390398 (-8)359 (+31)
    28Zephyr Heights7370394 (-24)363 (+7)
    29Flipper Departments1307307307
    30Hoodwinked35859 (-1)55 (+3)
    31Big Boulder Alley1388388388
    32Blended Brussels Sprouts1307307307
    33Tool Shed1213213213
    34Frozen Waffle1158158158
    35Chasing Chips4347353 (-6)341 (+6)
    36One Who Raids Tombs3462466 (-4)452 (+10)
    37Tropical Hibiscus1370370370
    38Detonation Station6169190 (-21)169
    39In the Walls of Gravel Castle3425439 (-14)425
    40Periodic Lasers1130130130
    41Ghetto Piranha1307307307
    42Nova Prospect6233243 (-10)235 (-2)
    43Coral Reef3403422 (-19)403
    44Blobfield7409412 (-3)412 (-3)
    45Seven-Layer Salad4346354 (-8)346
    46Exclusive Or1250250250
    47Antidisruptive Caves4356358 (-2)354 (+2)
    48Key Insight4291292 (-1)291
    49Block Parking5[896]897 (-1)897 (-1)
    50Secret Underground Society4327337 (-10)308 (+19)
    51Ice in a Blender1380380380
    52It Suits the Purpose49093 (-3)90
    53Protect Your Fortress4330333 (-3)275 (+55)
    54Split Path1195195195
    55If I Ran the Zoo3546557 (-11)530 (+16)
    56Fireworks Factory5543552 (-9)525 (+18)
    57Bisection5442454 (-12)396 (+46)
    58Ruinous Plaza3335336 (-1)299 (+36)
    61Blue Tooth1528528528
    62Block Unpuzzle1359359359
    63Pneumatic Diversity Vents1506506506
    64Excuse Me6294311 (-17)291 (+3)
    65Duplex4553620 (-67)532 (+21)
    67Nuclear Energy for Dummies4309310 (-1)291 (+18)
    68Cold Fusion Reactor1[967]967967
    69Ball in an Awkward Place4391392 (-1)391
    70Science Museum4349362 (-13)333 (+16)
    73Sealed Doors in the Spacecraft1265265265
    74Technopathic5309331 (-22)314 (-5)
    75Unmitigated Hint Factory Disaster1412412412
    76Flow State3382388 (-6)380 (+2)
    77Brick Block Facility4483496 (-13)462 (+21)
    78Aquatic Ruins3494507 (-13)467 (+27)
    80Monster Swapper1287287287
    81Estranged for a Season3295309 (-14)275 (+20)
    82Puzzle Box3[896]935 (-39)891 (+5)
    83Frozen Over4456457 (-1)429 (+27)
    84Forsythia3386396 (-10)386
    85Nectar Meadow4428433 (-5)428
    86Cyprus5299316 (-17)294 (+5)
    87And the Walls Kept Tumbling Down7501517 (-16)495 (+6)
    88Empty Rooms1278278278
    89Diametric Opposition3396407 (-11)368 (+28)
    90Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy4384393 (-9)384
    91How to Retune Your Harp4362371 (-9)363 (-1)
    92Fire Is My Enemy3428430 (-2)422 (+6)
    93Bombs Are a Beautiful Thing4378380 (-2)366 (+12)
    94Ditchdigger4486506 (-20)481 (+5)
    95Ravaged4500502 (-2)491 (+9)
    96Lean Thinking2[856]887 (-31)813 (+43)
    98Clay Tunnel1457457457
    99Ice Cavern4285287 (-2)283 (+2)
    100One Tank's Adventure3875906 (-31)875
    101Condo Management3408421 (-13)394 (+14)
    102The Key Issue1324324324
    103Malachite4568598 (-30)546 (+22)
    105Living Things1407407407
    107Combinations4[862]884 (-22)875 (-13)
    108Scatterbrained3501518 (-17)480 (+21)
    111Water Bottle1170170170
    112Triple Mint Slurpee5499532 (-33)482 (+17)
    113Half of You, Half of Me6331345 (-14)326 (+5)
    114Repugnant Nonsense3508521 (-13)484 (+24)
    116They're Not Called Blocks for Nothing3306322 (-16)303 (+3)
    117Greenian Motion3263269 (-6)257 (+6)
    118Chip Controls4426438 (-12)402 (+24)
    119Strandquist4508515 (-7)508
    120Construct-a-Sokoban4631665 (-34)631
    121Death and Destruction3391432 (-41)349 (+42)
    122Jigsee2751766 (-15)754 (-3)
    123Life Is Not a Puzzle4629660 (-31)635 (-6)
    124Air Bubble1109109109
    125Beautiful Struggle3512524 (-12)512
    126Bind Mender1132132132
    127Wrong Exit1217217217
    128Mindless Self-Indulgence2486506 (-20)483 (+3)
    129Undefined Fantastic Object1218218218
    130Bam Thwok7514549 (-35)514
    131Jigsaw5710772 (-62)724 (-14)
    132Monorail4483506 (-23)469 (+14)
    133Monochrome5603623 (-20)583 (+20)
    134Pushover5402423 (-21)380 (+22)
    136Seeing Red5327347 (-20)300 (+27)
    137The Longest Track8[855]862 (-7)830 (+25)
    138Zipper6446456 (-10)438 (+8)
    139Unravel5[956]958 (-2)956
    140Repair the Automatic (Caution) Doors6751821 (-70)761 (-10)
    141World of a Thousand Flames2696698 (-2)693 (+3)
    143Color Coordination5620647 (-27)610 (+10)
    144Paradigm Shift4684715 (-31)674 (+10)
    145Hacked Save File1505505505
    146Japanese Game Show2[825]839 (-14)790 (+35)
    147Gimmick Isle3743758 (-15)742 (+1)
    148Gravity Well1421421421
    149Mental Marvel Monastery3502508 (-6)488 (+14)
    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    Name Rank Time Bold Public Execution Routing Luck
    1Lesson Zero1184184
    2Multipurpose Tool4292293 (-1)
    3Paparazzi6246259 (-13)
    4Key Free244
    5Fragmented Lamina4198200 (-2)
    6Choice Tools5355366 (-11)
    7Trading Post1315315
    8Trick or Trap7206208 (-2)
    9Secret Jungle Laboratory5298301 (-3)
    10Ages Beyond5244247 (-3)
    11Pyramid Scheme1180180
    12Vault Line1219219
    13Cardboard Cutout4266268 (-2)
    14High Fidelity Flame1222222
    15Heterochromia9292310 (-18)
    16Moving Day4265270 (-5)
    17There Goes the Neighborhood4336339 (-3)
    18Press Any Button to Continue7233242 (-9)
    19Hue and Saturation3294299 (-5)
    20Forbidden Island3337343 (-6)
    21Slime Sliding3336343 (-7)
    22Capim Town3376383 (-7)
    23Elastic Energy949
    24Uphill Battle6338346 (-8)
    25Drops of Jupiter4370378 (-8)
    26Deephaven3282287 (-5)
    27Dumbbell Dichotomy6325332 (-7)
    28For Want of a Nail5363379 (-16)
    29Sandshaker7211224 (-13)
    30Ragged Mountain5443463 (-20)
    31Sealed Chamber4241243 (-2)
    32Socket Shrine6386391 (-5)
    33Terre Haute4[958]961 (-3)
    34Spirit River5367372 (-5)
    35Fortune Ravine5393398 (-5)
    36Charmed Ridge5320342 (-22)
    37Quantified Nerves3369374 (-5)
    38Exit Exaggeration6331342 (-11)
    39Mysterious Geoglyph4428438 (-10)
    40Wealth and Corruption3401406 (-5)
    41The Dividing Line5331341 (-10)
    42Instigate and Exfiltrate2565579 (-14)
    43Verdant Cavern4324344 (-20)
    44Thunderwave Cave4389398 (-9)
    45Insert Name Here Caverns2247250 (-3)
    46Axis Point434
    47The Toggle Station4288301 (-13)
    48Tank Game Reborn4475503 (-28)
    49The Sound of Silence3[896]899 (-3)
    50The Unwinding2838848 (-10)
    51Nitroglycerin Below 57F2625638 (-13)
    52Magma Cone3251255 (-4)
    53Reproducing3[907]916 (-9)
    54The Slaughterhouse Is Open for Business4359366 (-7)
    55Dauntless Extraction7315341 (-26)
    56Smoke Inhalation2510512 (-2)
    57Irradiated Radiator4313323 (-10)
    58Warehouse of Lost Hopes and Dreams2471473 (-2)
    59Clone Machine Factory6307321 (-14)
    60Fuego Ironworks4522536 (-14)
    61Snowbound4381402 (-21)
    62Unlock Block5282285 (-3)
    63Party Trap5261272 (-11)
    64Condemned Facility3392399 (-7)
    65The World Has Turned and Left Me Here4318335 (-17)
    66Tornado Alley3518537 (-19)
    67Manhattan Stoplight5[950]961 (-11)
    68PPPuzzles3676681 (-5)
    69Shady Oasis4283300 (-17)
    70Ski Resort Town2659683 (-24)
    71Amethyst Mine4422431 (-9)
    72Miner Setbacks4683702 (-19)
    73Three Boot Night5501516 (-15)
    74Dark Hollow4294295 (-1)
    75Canyon of Lost Color3570583 (-13)
    76Yellow Fever4368372 (-4)
    77Avenues of Zagreb1624624
    78Salsa Verde3446456 (-10)
    79Drawn and Quartered and Quartered4584618 (-34)
    80Indigo Lagoon4664670 (-6)
    82Encrypted Malware4337350 (-13)
    83Polarity Isle4358384 (-26)
    84Piston It Away4448458 (-10)
    85Sokoban Adventure3724802 (-78)
    86Phantasmal Stalkers4337349 (-12)
    87Network Corruption6318341 (-23)
    88Flypaper3770813 (-43)
    89Hacking to the Gate410
    90Decrepit Crypt4459505 (-46)
    91Airletter Shop4427440 (-13)
    92Glamorous Diamond Downs5553587 (-34)
    94Feat After Feat4520536 (-16)
    95Room of Requirement3299307 (-8)
    96Sour Apple Cider3476523 (-47)
    97Color Disaster Inertia3525534 (-9)
    98Closed Circuit5[874]897 (-23)
    99Cosmic Express46570 (-5)
    100The Most Interesting Block in the World5550581 (-31)
    101Barefoot Bandit3347349 (-2)
    102Minimalist Art Gallery3526536 (-10)
    103Illicit Logging Facility2532554 (-22)
    104Escape the Monotony242
    105Beyond the Facades4478489 (-11)
    106Slimefield3463476 (-13)
    107Bento Box4400409 (-9)
    108Brown Note4576590 (-14)
    109Let's Square This Away5325332 (-7)
    110Another Perspective2843861 (-18)
    111Aquatica3467487 (-20)
    112Melancholia2365377 (-12)
    113Power Plant Peril3592598 (-6)
    114A Love for Puzzles4548567 (-19)
    115Titanic Monarch3415457 (-42)
    116Sho Sheng Shui5474497 (-23)
    117Cluster Two719
    118Lightning Before the Thunder4651692 (-41)
    119Unsanitary Waters3489502 (-13)
    120Fray Manor Isle3[783]792 (-9)
    121Lockjaw2[879]883 (-4)
    122Expanding Warehouse3515536 (-21)
    123Sandstorm Shelter634
    124Dig Me Out483
    125Holiday Spirits427
    126Master Carpenter424
    127Wastelands of Tabora737
    128Fahrenheit Frenzy156
    129Rundown Railyard832
    130Apocalypse Wow639
    131You Break It, You Buy It477
    132Prism Concerto812
    133Emblazoned Altar451
    134Flotsam and Jetsam744
    135Crux of the Matter725
    136Molten Crater783
    138Eternal Engine672
    140Yet Another Perspective800
    141World Revolution753
    142Crown Jewels382
    143Lagoon of the Low Tide811
    144Culmina Crater804
    145Pardon Our Dust605
    146Broken Paradise845
    147Lounge Act873
    148Brute Force683
    149Shadow of the Day754
    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    Name Rank Time Bold Public Execution Routing Luck
    1Lesson Zero1181181
    2Multipurpose Tool1290290
    4Key Free242
    5Fragmented Lamina2192196 (-4)
    6Choice Tools3347355 (-8)
    7Trading Post1309309
    8Trick or Trap3209215 (-6)
    9Secret Jungle Laboratory1291291
    10Ages Beyond3243247 (-4)
    11Pyramid Scheme1180180
    12Vault Line1214214
    13Cardboard Cutout4254263 (-9)
    14High Fidelity Flame1221221
    15Heterochromia2294307 (-13)
    16Moving Day2259260 (-1)
    17There Goes the Neighborhood3333336 (-3)
    18Press Any Button to Continue2236243 (-7)
    19Hue and Saturation2281287 (-6)
    20Forbidden Island2330335 (-5)
    21Slime Sliding2326331 (-5)
    22Capim Town2375378 (-3)
    23Elastic Energy943
    24Uphill Battle3332340 (-8)
    25Drops of Jupiter3362372 (-10)
    26Deephaven2269274 (-5)
    27Dumbbell Dichotomy3322324 (-2)
    28For Want of a Nail2356373 (-17)
    30Ragged Mountain3438454 (-16)
    31Sealed Chamber2233236 (-3)
    32Socket Shrine2380391 (-11)
    33Terre Haute1[954]954
    34Spirit River3356366 (-10)
    35Fortune Ravine3388394 (-6)
    36Charmed Ridge2324344 (-20)
    37Quantified Nerves3361364 (-3)
    38Exit Exaggeration3311332 (-21)
    39Mysterious Geoglyph2424435 (-11)
    40Wealth and Corruption2395399 (-4)
    41The Dividing Line2328332 (-4)
    42Instigate and Exfiltrate2557570 (-13)
    43Verdant Cavern3319344 (-25)
    44Thunderwave Cave2386390 (-4)
    45Insert Name Here Caverns2237240 (-3)
    46Axis Point357
    47The Toggle Station3269293 (-24)
    48Tank Game Reborn2471497 (-26)
    49The Sound of Silence2[893]894 (-1)
    50The Unwinding2803809 (-6)
    51Nitroglycerin Below 57F3584602 (-18)
    52Magma Cone2244248 (-4)
    53Reproducing2[883]902 (-19)
    54The Slaughterhouse Is Open for Business3342368 (-26)
    55Dauntless Extraction5315343 (-28)
    56Smoke Inhalation2494498 (-4)
    57Irradiated Radiator3305316 (-11)
    58Warehouse of Lost Hopes and Dreams2452459 (-7)
    59Clone Machine Factory2308316 (-8)
    60Fuego Ironworks3508541 (-33)
    61Snowbound3361382 (-21)
    62Unlock Block4276281 (-5)
    63Party Trap5237270 (-33)
    64Condemned Facility2387392 (-5)
    65The World Has Turned and Left Me Here3302319 (-17)
    66Tornado Alley3511516 (-5)
    67Manhattan Stoplight4[949]959 (-10)
    68PPPuzzles2657663 (-6)
    69Shady Oasis3269291 (-22)
    70Ski Resort Town2619645 (-26)
    71Amethyst Mine2421427 (-6)
    72Miner Setbacks3679701 (-22)
    73Three Boot Night2483494 (-11)
    74Dark Hollow2290294 (-4)
    75Canyon of Lost Color2557580 (-23)
    76Yellow Fever2360364 (-4)
    77Avenues of Zagreb1586586
    78Salsa Verde3433442 (-9)
    79Drawn and Quartered and Quartered2574613 (-39)
    80Indigo Lagoon3660671 (-11)
    81Numbskull2[959]960 (-1)
    82Encrypted Malware3328345 (-17)
    83Polarity Isle4343377 (-34)
    84Piston It Away2443449 (-6)
    85Sokoban Adventure2690705 (-15)
    86Phantasmal Stalkers2341350 (-9)
    87Network Corruption3309318 (-9)
    89Hacking to the Gate402
    90Decrepit Crypt3446489 (-43)
    91Airletter Shop2414427 (-13)
    92Glamorous Diamond Downs4542593 (-51)
    94Feat After Feat4494527 (-33)
    95Room of Requirement3290294 (-4)
    96Sour Apple Cider2459474 (-15)
    97Color Disaster Inertia2513523 (-10)
    98Closed Circuit3[875]898 (-23)
    99Cosmic Express36065 (-5)
    100The Most Interesting Block in the World3520565 (-45)
    101Barefoot Bandit2341347 (-6)
    102Minimalist Art Gallery2510528 (-18)
    103Illicit Logging Facility2503514 (-11)
    104Escape the Monotony220
    105Beyond the Facades2460471 (-11)
    107Bento Box3392397 (-5)
    108Brown Note3573588 (-15)
    109Let's Square This Away5316323 (-7)
    110Another Perspective2828848 (-20)
    111Aquatica3448474 (-26)
    112Melancholia2364374 (-10)
    113Power Plant Peril3576587 (-11)
    114A Love for Puzzles2546567 (-21)
    115Titanic Monarch1411411
    116Sho Sheng Shui4438471 (-33)
    117Cluster Two677
    118Lightning Before the Thunder4639689 (-50)
    119Unsanitary Waters5474564 (-90)
    120Fray Manor Isle3[762]781 (-19)
    121Lockjaw2[866]871 (-5)
    122Expanding Warehouse2502517 (-15)
    123Sandstorm Shelter631
    124Dig Me Out470
    125Holiday Spirits427
    126Master Carpenter403
    127Wastelands of Tabora704
    128Fahrenheit Frenzy110
    129Rundown Railyard828
    130Apocalypse Wow623
    131You Break It, You Buy It475
    132Prism Concerto771
    133Emblazoned Altar438
    134Flotsam and Jetsam719
    135Crux of the Matter695
    136Molten Crater775
    138Eternal Engine647
    140Yet Another Perspective779
    141World Revolution745
    142Crown Jewels372
    143Lagoon of the Low Tide643
    144Culmina Crater751
    145Pardon Our Dust574
    146Broken Paradise828
    147Lounge Act666
    148Brute Force656
    149Shadow of the Day716

    Scores Summary by Pack

    CC2CC2LP1 Overall
    Time Bold36,76238,35775,119
    Score Bold14,485,9236,041,16020,527,083
    CC2CC2LP1 Overall
    Time Bold16067227
    Score Bold15361214
    CC2CC2LP1 Overall
    Time Bold2.0755.6553.865
    Score Bold2.4455.9854.215

    Times Breakdown

    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    1 0 160
    2 0 360
    3 0 185
    4 15 45
    5 198 309
    6 196 466
    7 191 281
    8 170 269
    9 0 244
    10 118 372
    11 19 0
    12 148 391
    13 93 199
    14 3 341
    15 89 341
    16 228 214
    17 244 174
    18 91 408
    19 0 281
    20 98 288
    21 244 113
    22 242 377
    23 294 215
    24 79 205
    25 264 260
    26 215 266
    27 97 337
    28 176 112
    29 0 253
    30 88 418
    31 93 205
    32 190 76
    33 189 386
    34 128 417
    35 38 245
    36 95 114
    37 167 342
    38 88 179
    39 7 274
    40 14 221
    41 268 171
    42 12 303
    43 117 194
    44 306 271
    45 129 303
    46 407 226
    47 180 242
    48 282 146
    49 163 251
    50 0 235
    51 201 465
    52 181 415
    53 15 98
    54 93 0
    55 84 238
    56 182 255
    57 429 171
    58 73 399
    59 377 69
    60 0 223
    61 95 340
    62 30 451
    63 176 406
    64 128 196
    65 170 375
    66 27 126
    67 229 595
    68 281 347
    69 285 109
    70 109 282
    71 0 324
    72 280 224
    73 64 442
    74 85 356
    75 58 199
    76 66 222
    77 193 399
    78 30
    79 179 390
    80 164 455
    81 222 443
    82 40 169
    83 222 441
    84 274 430
    85 5 214
    86 37 518
    87 282
    88 346
    89 19
    90 86 82
    91 31 337
    92 270 400
    93 22 347
    94 281 370
    95 81 303
    96 1 339
    97 115
    98 233
    99 0
    100 0
    101 135
    102 427
    103 68
    104 278
    105 117
    106 187
    107 39 0
    108 380
    109 132 0
    110 265
    111 47
    112 8 474
    113 78 249
    114 79 266
    115 452
    116 103
    117 312 408
    118 212 5
    119 66
    120 272
    121 113 341
    122 702
    123 42 407
    124 4 491
    125 43 7
    126 19 281
    127 224 318
    128 192 286
    129 87 335
    130 93
    131 262
    132 233
    133 195
    134 83 375
    135 318 347
    136 401
    137 28
    138 208
    139 89 0
    140 256
    141 657
    142 29
    143 324 573
    144 87 0
    145 290
    146 34
    147 35
    148 44
    149 330 94
    150 50
    151 83
    152 63
    153 64
    154 365
    155 792 563
    156 235
    157 278
    158 208 643
    159 382 0
    160 326
    161 5
    162 307
    163 301
    164 13
    165 416 310
    166 121 428
    167 370 0
    168 334 289
    169 777
    170 368
    171 705 0
    172 246
    173 587
    174 552
    175 218 593
    176 344
    177 68
    178 481
    179 825
    180 220
    181 113 111
    182 505
    183 87 573
    184 78 913
    185 290
    186 193
    187 504 0
    188 303 661
    189 4 418
    190 186
    191 232 437
    192 92 676
    193 173 188
    194 229
    195 82 0
    196 294 648
    197 302 0
    198 85 0
    199 492
    200 11 0
    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    1 1404 3830
    2 1000 5780
    3 1500 3410
    4 2150 6050
    5 4560 5590
    6 5456 7660
    7 9360 6540
    8 5700 7670
    9 4500 6940
    10 6180 8720
    11 6780 5500
    12 7480 11590
    13 7530 8490
    14 7030 11260
    15 8390 10910
    16 10280 17920
    17 10940 10240
    18 9910 14120
    19 9500 12310
    20 10980 12880
    21 12940 11630
    22 14170 15770
    23 15440 13650
    24 13740 15780
    25 17350 15280
    26 15170 15660
    27 14470 17200
    28 16840 15120
    29 14500 17030
    30 15880 19180
    31 41550 17770
    32 17900 16760
    33 18390 20910
    34 18280 23920
    35 17880 19950
    36 18950 19140
    37 20170 21920
    38 19880 20790
    39 19570 22240
    40 20140 22210
    41 23180 22210
    42 21200 25030
    43 22670 23440
    44 27040 24710
    45 23790 25530
    46 27070 27050
    47 25300 25920
    48 26820 25460
    49 26130 27700
    50 25000 27350
    51 27510 31920
    52 32010 30150
    53 26650 27480
    54 28870 27000
    55 28340 30480
    56 30820 30550
    57 33430 30210
    58 37570 32990
    59 33270 30190
    60 30050 32230
    61 32440 33900
    62 31300 35510
    63 33260 35560
    64 33460 33960
    65 34200 36250
    66 33270 42140
    67 35790 39450
    68 36810 37470
    69 37350 35600
    70 36090 37820
    71 35500 39290
    72 39150 38240
    73 37140 40920
    74 37850 41230
    75 39120 39490
    76 38660 40220
    77 40430 42490
    78 39300
    79 42290 43400
    80 42640 44550
    81 42720 45130
    82 41400 42690
    83 43720 45910
    84 46660 46300
    85 42550 44640
    86 43370 48180
    87 46538
    88 48310
    89 44690
    90 45860 47470
    91 45810 48870
    92 49920 53870
    93 46720 49970
    94 50710 50700
    95 50430 50530
    96 48110 51390
    97 49650
    98 51330
    99 49500
    100 154000
    101 51850
    102 57290
    103 52180
    104 54780
    105 53670
    106 54870
    107 53890 54500
    108 58980
    109 64190 55100
    110 57650
    111 55970
    112 56080 60740
    113 57280 59090
    114 58790 59660
    115 64070
    116 59030
    117 61620 62580
    118 61120 59170
    119 65810
    120 62720
    121 61630 63910
    122 68020
    123 61920 65870
    124 62040 67600
    125 62930 66420
    126 63190 65810
    127 65740 66680
    128 66160 66860
    129 65370 68020
    130 66930
    131 69990
    132 68330
    133 68450
    134 67830 70750
    135 71520 70970
    136 72010
    137 68780
    138 71080
    139 70390 69500
    140 72560
    141 77070
    142 71290
    143 74740 77230
    144 75000 72000
    145 75400
    146 73340
    147 73850
    148 74440
    149 78760 75440
    150 75500
    151 84320
    152 77590
    153 77140
    154 96650
    155 85420 83990
    156 80350
    157 81280
    158 81080 87930
    159 83320 79500
    160 84955
    161 80550
    162 84070
    163 84510
    164 82130
    165 94450 86090
    166 84210 87280
    167 87200 83500
    168 90730 86890
    169 92270
    170 89780
    171 94880 85500
    172 88650
    173 92370
    174 92830
    175 89680 94430
    176 94970
    177 91830
    178 96190
    179 97750
    180 92200
    181 91630 100470
    182 96060
    183 92370 122160
    184 98440 101130
    185 95400
    186 95890
    187 98540 93500
    188 97030 100620
    189 94540 98680
    190 100670
    191 97820 99870
    192 96920 107760
    193 102230 98380
    194 103290
    195 100120 97500
    196 101020 104480
    197 101520 98540
    198 99850 103000
    199 112420
    200 3892100 102000
    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    Name Rank Time Bold Public Execution Routing Luck
    1Lesson 11000
    2All Ice1000
    3Key Mania1000
    4All Shook Up1151515
    5Down and Out1198198198
    6Door Ways1196196196
    7Turtle Blocks1191191191
    9Lesson 21000
    12Force Perimeter1148148148
    13Seven Up1939393
    15Watch Your Step1898989
    16Sea Turtles1228228228
    17Frozen9244254 (-10)244
    18No Turning Back1919191
    19Lesson 31000
    21Eight Ways1244244244
    22Mind Game1242242242
    23Tricked Ya!1294294294
    24Jay Walker1797979
    26Chamber Bomb9215216 (-1)216 (-1)
    28Sapper Do1176176176
    29Lesson 41000
    31Ice Dancing1939393
    33Identity Crisis1189189189
    36Spring Mines1959595
    37Hotkeys7167168 (-1)167
    38Quick Time1888888
    39Quick Time II1777
    40Quick Time III1141414
    41Freeze Frame1268268268
    42You Must Be Joking1121212
    43Reticulating Splines1117117117
    44Silo Bomber1306306306
    45Middle School1129129129
    46Long Lost Friend10407418 (-11)407
    47Desert Oasis1180180180
    48Trial of Elements1282282282
    49Caitlyn's Maze1163163163
    50Lesson 51000
    54Sauce for the Goose1939393
    55T-N-T Time1848484
    56Quick Thinking1182182182
    57Monty Haul1429429429
    58Gold Rush1737373
    59Trial and Error?1377377377
    60Lesson 61000
    61Feeding Time1959595
    62Grab Bag1303030
    65Chip Himself1170170170
    66Electric Trap1272727
    67Ghost Trap1229229229
    68Lights Out1281281281
    70Rail Bowling7109110 (-1)109
    71Lesson 71000
    72On and Off1280280280
    73Ghost Bridge1646464
    75Dress Code1585858
    77The Rover Room1193193193
    78Strict Process1303030
    80Chip Palace1164164164
    83Double Dare1222222222
    84Off Key1274274274
    85Scrambled Eggs1555
    86Tank Help1373737
    87X Marks the Spot9282289 (-7)286 (-4)
    90Evil Twin1868686
    91Monster Race1313131
    97Think Fast1115115115
    98Sibling Rivalry1233233233
    101Tank Blocker1135135135
    104Pieces of Eight7278290 (-12)285 (-7)
    106Maze of the Obeyor1187187187
    107Wing and a Prayer1393939
    108Repaer Mirg1380380380
    109Say "Cheese"6132133 (-1)132
    110Flea Market6265279 (-14)267 (-2)
    112Bowl to Freedom1888
    113Teeth Attack1787878
    114In the Long Run1797979
    115Double Trouble6452497 (-45)487 (-35)
    117Room #91312312312
    118Ship Ahoy1212212212
    120Foursome6272284 (-12)285 (-13)
    122Fire and Ice9702791 (-89)656 (+46)
    124Yellow Brick Road1444
    126Ice Threat1191919
    127Bomber Maze8224289 (-65)255 (-31)
    128Winter in the Marsh1192192192
    129Firing Range1878787
    132Breaking In1233233233
    133Panic Chip1195195195
    136Big House1401401401
    137On the Run1282828
    138Construction Zone7208229 (-21)217 (-9)
    139Re:Think II1898989
    141Logic Prison6657658 (-1)658 (-1)
    142Fish and Chips72930 (-1)28 (+1)
    144The Village1878787
    145Turning Point6290309 (-19)
    146Barricade Brigade1343434
    148Tank Rush1444444
    149Banquet Hall1330330330
    152Pattern Buffers16363
    154Pigeon Holes8365384 (-19)
    155Venice5792821 (-29)
    156In the Slime1235235235
    157Swivel Motel1278278278
    158No Easy Task7208219 (-11)208
    159In & Out7382414 (-32)
    162Ice Castle1307307307
    163Blox8301330 (-29)330 (-29)
    165Melinda 9111416416416
    167Prey2370374 (-4)370
    168Phase Four2334335 (-1)334
    169Bombs Quad1777777777
    170Practice to Perfect6368399 (-31)
    171Haunted Castle5705720 (-15)
    173Clear Out3587610 (-23)618 (-31)
    174Blocky Trouble6552583 (-31)
    175Thinktank5218271 (-53)
    176Line and Sinker6344386 (-42)
    177Mine Challenge568140 (-72)
    178Breaking the Ice1481481481
    179In & Out II2825831 (-6)831 (-6)
    182Sea Queue7505535 (-30)
    183Hired Hand1878787
    185Slambam7290387 (-97)
    186Da Bomb1193193193
    187Endangered Species1504504504
    188Clone7303323 (-20)318 (-15)
    191Push Up Maze1232232232
    192Boiler Room1929292
    193Tank War1173173173
    194Memories8229255 (-26)250 (-21)
    195Spare Me78287 (-5)82
    197Blockcombo 48302473 (-171)
    198Chip Off the Block38586 (-1)85
    199Room to Breathe6492529 (-37)
    200Crazy II111110 (+11)
    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    Name Rank Score Bold Public Execution Routing Luck
    1Lesson 11140414041404
    2All Ice1100010001000
    3Key Mania1150015001500
    4All Shook Up1215021502150
    5Down and Out1456045604560
    6Door Ways1545654565456
    7Turtle Blocks1936093609360
    9Lesson 21450045004500
    12Force Perimeter1748074807480
    13Seven Up1753075307530
    15Watch Your Step1839083908390
    16Sea Turtles1102801028010280
    17Frozen91094011040 (-100)10940
    18No Turning Back1991099109910
    19Lesson 31950095009500
    21Eight Ways1129401294012940
    22Mind Game1141701417014170
    23Tricked Ya!1154401544015440
    24Jay Walker1137401374013740
    26Chamber Bomb111517015250 (-80)15180 (-10)
    28Sapper Do1168401684016840
    29Lesson 41145001450014500
    31Ice Dancing1415504155041550
    33Identity Crisis1183901839018390
    36Spring Mines1189501895018950
    37Hotkeys72017020180 (-10)20170
    38Quick Time1198801988019880
    39Quick Time II1195701957019570
    40Quick Time III1201402014020140
    41Freeze Frame1231802318023180
    42You Must Be Joking1212002120021200
    43Reticulating Splines1226702267022670
    44Silo Bomber122704033260 (-6220)25060 (+1980)
    45Middle School1237902379023790
    46Long Lost Friend102707027180 (-110)27070
    47Desert Oasis1253002530025300
    48Trial of Elements1268202682026820
    49Caitlyn's Maze1261302613026130
    50Lesson 51250002500025000
    54Sauce for the Goose1288702887028870
    55T-N-T Time1283402834028340
    56Quick Thinking1308203082030820
    57Monty Haul123343048948 (-15518)32790 (+640)
    58Gold Rush1375703757037570
    59Trial and Error?1332703327033270
    60Lesson 61300503005030050
    61Feeding Time1324403244032440
    62Grab Bag1313003130031300
    65Chip Himself1342003420034200
    66Electric Trap1332703327033270
    67Ghost Trap1357903579035790
    68Lights Out1368103681036810
    70Rail Bowling73609036100 (-10)36090
    71Lesson 71355003550035500
    72On and Off83915039290 (-140)39000 (+150)
    73Ghost Bridge1371403714037140
    75Dress Code1391203912039110 (+10)
    77The Rover Room1404304043040430
    78Strict Process1393003930039300
    80Chip Palace1426404264042640
    83Double Dare1437204372043720
    84Off Key1466604666046660
    85Scrambled Eggs1425504255042550
    86Tank Help1433704337043370
    87X Marks the Spot94653846623 (-85)46361 (+177)
    88Escape64831049110 (-800)47960 (+350)
    90Evil Twin1458604586045860
    91Monster Race1458104581045810
    97Think Fast1496504965049650
    98Sibling Rivalry1513305133051330
    101Tank Blocker1518505185051850
    104Pieces of Eight75478054900 (-120)54850 (-70)
    106Maze of the Obeyor1548705487054870
    107Wing and a Prayer1538905389053890
    108Repaer Mirg65898059690 (-710)59630 (-650)
    109Say "Cheese"56419064210 (-20)64190
    110Flea Market65765057790 (-140)57670 (-20)
    112Bowl to Freedom1560805608056080
    113Teeth Attack1572805728057280
    114In the Long Run1587905879058790
    115Double Trouble66407066910 (-2840)62520 (+1550)
    117Room #91616206162061620
    118Ship Ahoy1611206112061120
    120Foursome66272062840 (-120)62850 (-130)
    122Fire and Ice96802068910 (-890)67560 (+460)
    124Yellow Brick Road1620406204062040
    126Ice Threat1631906319063190
    127Bomber Maze86574066390 (-650)66050 (-310)
    128Winter in the Marsh1661606616066160
    129Firing Range1653706537065370
    132Breaking In1683306833068330
    133Panic Chip1684506845068450
    136Big House97201072290 (-280)72290 (-280)
    137On the Run1687806878068780
    138Construction Zone77108071290 (-210)71170 (-90)
    139Re:Think II1703907039070390
    141Logic Prison67707077080 (-10)77080 (-10)
    142Fish and Chips77129071300 (-10)71280 (+10)
    144The Village1750007500075000
    145Turning Point67540075590 (-190)
    146Barricade Brigade1733407334073340
    148Tank Rush1744407444074440
    149Banquet Hall1787607876078760
    152Pattern Buffers17759077590
    154Pigeon Holes89665096810 (-160)
    155Venice58542085710 (-290)
    156In the Slime1803508035080350
    157Swivel Motel1812808128081280
    158No Easy Task78108081190 (-110)81080
    159In & Out78332083640 (-320)
    160Antarctica68495587070 (-2115)83265 (+1690)
    162Ice Castle1840708407084070
    163Blox88451084800 (-290)84800 (-290)
    165Melinda 9111944509445094450
    167Prey28720087240 (-40)87200
    168Phase Four79073091140 (-410)87340 (+3390)
    169Bombs Quad1922709227092270
    170Practice to Perfect68978090180 (-400)
    171Haunted Castle59488095030 (-150)
    173Clear Out39237092600 (-230)92680 (-310)
    174Blocky Trouble109283095800 (-2970)
    175Thinktank58968090210 (-530)
    176Line and Sinker1094970100850 (-5880)
    177Mine Challenge59183094110 (-2280)
    178Breaking the Ice1961909619096190
    179In & Out II79775099690 (-1940)97810 (-60)
    182Sea Queue99606098500 (-2440)
    183Hired Hand1923709237092370
    185Slambam79540096370 (-970)
    186Da Bomb1958909589095890
    187Endangered Species1985409854098540
    188Clone79703097230 (-200)97180 (-150)
    191Push Up Maze1978209782097820
    192Boiler Room1969209692096920
    193Tank War1102230102230102230
    194Memories8103290103550 (-260)103500 (-210)
    195Spare Me8100120100410 (-290)98320 (+1800)
    197Blockcombo 48101520103230 (-1710)
    198Chip Off the Block39985099860 (-10)99850
    199Room to Breathe6112420112680 (-260)
    200Crazy II1389210038921001996000 (+1896100)
    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    Name Rank Time Bold Public Execution Routing Luck
    1Island Beginnings1160160160
    2Wrong of Way1360360
    3A Little Help6185205 (-20)
    4Cave Diving1454545
    5Button Museum7309319 (-10)
    6How to Item Drop Like a Champ6466496 (-30)
    8Brigand Land1269269
    9What's a Girl to Do?1244244
    10Blocksmith1372372364 (+8)
    11When One Door Closes1000
    12Spreading Like Wildfire1391391
    13Temporary Housing1199199199
    14Getting Off Track1341341341
    15Slip Up5341369 (-28)
    16A Simple Case of Mistaken Identity5214220 (-6)
    17Key Keeper1174174174
    18Dialectic Materialism5408466 (-58)
    19Restricted Areas5281364 (-83)
    20Tetromino Trek1288288288
    21Stepping With Stones7113114 (-1)
    22Wire You Doing This5377412 (-35)
    23Trans-Pachipic Partnership4215222 (-7)226 (-11)
    24If Walls Could Speak4205218 (-13)218 (-13)
    25Solitary Alignment1260260
    26My Antisocial Friend1266266266
    27Dropping In5337343 (-6)
    29Secret Escape Tunnel1253253253
    30The Electric Company1418418418
    31A Helping Hand3205209 (-4)
    32Ball of Blocks37686 (-10)
    33Trial by Fire3386410 (-24)
    34Relics of a Lost Age4417427 (-10)428 (-11)
    35Bowling in the Sewer4245248 (-3)
    37Haunted Swamp3342362 (-20)
    38Prism Prison5179205 (-26)
    39Slime Minister1274274274
    40A Real Thinker3221250 (-29)
    41Teeth on Edge3171196 (-25)
    42Mellow Yellow, Hello3303343 (-40)
    43Tulip Garden3194208 (-14)
    44Caught Flatfooted1271271
    45Settlement of Arrakis1303303303
    46Axis3226230 (-4)
    48Get Behind Me, Satan4146187 (-41)
    49Sokobomb6251273 (-22)
    50Point Nemo1235235235
    51Faces in the Mirror1465465465
    52Stopgap Measure3415453 (-38)
    53In a Minefield1989898
    54Green Wrangler100
    55Warning: Oncoming Maze4238262 (-24)
    56Asceticism4255280 (-25)
    57Poison Backyard5171175 (-4)
    58Caveat Emptor4399453 (-54)
    59Set in Motion36981 (-12)
    60Green Thumb1223223223
    61Broken Railyard1340340340
    62Sosie4451472 (-21)
    63Swivel Tombs6406425 (-19)
    64Flowers of Power4196227 (-31)
    65Left Behind Again1375375370 (+5)
    66Insane Asylum2126136 (-10)
    67Before My Very Eyes6595634 (-39)
    68Pipe Maze4347368 (-21)
    69Nameplate Stamping Facility1109109
    71Hyacinth4324340 (-16)
    72Rage Rooms3224241 (-17)
    73Foiled Again3442451 (-9)
    74The Floodgates Open3356368 (-12)
    75Excavation Alley5199273 (-74)
    76Three Mile Island6222341 (-119)
    77Repeaters4399412 (-13)
    78Blocked In416
    79Marine Science Museum3390402 (-12)
    80Forest Hub1455455
    81Bomb Blockade2443455 (-12)452 (-9)
    82Bit Player4169178 (-9)
    83Electric Feel1441441
    84Avec des Reserves2430451 (-21)
    85Double Agent1214214214
    86Hydrochloric Acid Factory Disaster5518562 (-44)
    87Of the Roses525
    89Chip and Melinda Go Skating427
    90Time in a Bottle18282
    92Cosmic Dump3400422 (-22)
    94Various Hues of Blue4370378 (-8)
    95Strike!3303324 (-21)
    96Sentinel Beach2339373 (-34)
    97Around the Corner731
    98Gentlemen's Club435
    100Treasure Collection405
    103Powder Monkey509
    104Filled Out in Triplicate432
    105Remote Detonator478479
    106Cold Lazarus446
    107Complex Complex100
    108Virtue Is Its Own Reward306
    109Present Push100
    111Ruin Rush9290
    112The Amazing Vortex1474474
    114Pairing Off1266266266
    116Snail Simulator 2019245247
    117Get Your Hands Dirty1408408408
    120Ultimate Roller Priorities177
    121Permutation7341344 (-3)
    122Pushing Pull Doors399
    126Be Optimal or Be Dead1281281281
    127One Good Turn1318318318
    129Small Matters1335335
    131Wormhole in the Sun560
    133Boiled in Blood389
    134The 34 Primroses2375411 (-36)
    135Military Intelligence1347347347
    137Meeting in the Aisle474
    138Greedy Twin279
    139Reverse Osmosis100
    140Title Deferred442
    141Thin Blue Line358
    142Aten: Disk of the Sun497
    145Lady in the Water470
    147Fill in the Blanks398
    148Total Eclipse of the Port517
    149Bye Bye Bye49495 (-1)95 (-1)
    150Joint Effort550
    151No Swap Zone364
    153Slow-Motion Hallway Fight Sequence569
    155Number Field2563564 (-1)563
    156Uptown Decisions600
    157Archival Footage449
    158The Gift of Giving2643677 (-34)
    159Cut the Ice100
    160Sneak Around472
    161Chaos to Metastable537
    162Ode to a Tank Crossing the Road570
    163Boot Warehouse309
    164Deadline Extension452
    165Cold Comfort1310310
    166Triple-B Battery2428481 (-53)
    167Wizard's Prison100
    168Aquatos Sewer System2289290 (-1)290 (-1)
    169Love and Theft398
    170Circuit City614
    173Tiny Isle Reshuffled419
    175Mobile Cannon Mr. McCallahan2593602 (-9)
    176Double Stop522
    177The Wrong Direction579
    178Tank of Justice563
    179Oversaturated Contrast532
    181Bringin' Down the House2111173 (-62)
    182Two Minds341
    183Triple Threat2573582 (-9)
    184Production Line3913925 (-12)
    185Bigger Boulder Alley774
    186Pushing the Boundaries929
    187Return Strategies100
    188Noen Cheoc2661687 (-26)
    189Liquid Defense2418430 (-12)
    190Blocko's Modern Life665
    191Leaving It All Behind1437437437
    192Sequence2676715 (-39)
    193Connected Component1188188
    194Give Up the Ghost481
    196The Girl Who Was Left Behind3648654 (-6)
    198Great Train Robbery100
    199Obfuscated and Interred658
    200Swivel Castle100
    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    Name Rank Score Bold Public Execution Routing Luck
    1Island Beginnings1383038303830
    2Wrong of Way157805780
    3A Little Help634103610 (-200)
    4Cave Diving1605060506050
    5Button Museum1355907520 (-1930)
    6How to Item Drop Like a Champ676607960 (-300)
    8Brigand Land176707670
    9What's a Girl to Do?169406940
    10Blocksmith1872087208640 (+80)
    11When One Door Closes1550055005500
    12Spreading Like Wildfire51159012110 (-520)
    13Temporary Housing1849084908490
    14Getting Off Track1112601126011260
    15Slip Up51091011190 (-280)
    16A Simple Case of Mistaken Identity51792018010 (-90)
    17Key Keeper1102401024010240
    18Dialectic Materialism51412014720 (-600)
    19Restricted Areas51231013140 (-830)
    20Tetromino Trek1128801288012880
    21Stepping With Stones71163011640 (-10)
    22Wire You Doing This51577016060 (-290)
    23Trans-Pachipic Partnership41365013720 (-70)13760 (-110)
    24If Walls Could Speak41578015980 (-200)15980 (-200)
    25Solitary Alignment51528015330 (-50)
    26My Antisocial Friend1156601566015660
    27Dropping In61720017330 (-130)
    29Secret Escape Tunnel1170301703017030
    30The Electric Company1191801918019180
    31A Helping Hand51777017980 (-210)
    32Ball of Blocks31676016860 (-100)
    33Trial by Fire32091021070 (-160)
    34Relics of a Lost Age42392024050 (-130)24050 (-130)
    35Bowling in the Sewer41995019980 (-30)
    37Haunted Swamp32192022120 (-200)
    38Prism Prison52079021340 (-550)
    39Slime Minister32224023980 (-1740)22240
    40A Real Thinker32221022500 (-290)
    41Teeth on Edge32221022460 (-250)
    42Mellow Yellow, Hello32503025320 (-290)
    43Tulip Garden32344023580 (-140)
    44Caught Flatfooted12471024710
    45Settlement of Arrakis1255302553025530
    46Axis32705027270 (-220)
    48Get Behind Me, Satan42546025870 (-410)
    49Sokobomb32770028010 (-310)
    50Point Nemo1273502735027350
    51Faces in the Mirror1319203192031920
    52Stopgap Measure43015031320 (-1170)
    53In a Minefield1274802748027480
    54Green Wrangler12700027000
    55Warning: Oncoming Maze33048030550 (-70)
    56Asceticism63055031750 (-1200)
    57Poison Backyard53021030250 (-40)
    58Caveat Emptor43299033530 (-540)
    59Set in Motion33019030310 (-120)
    60Green Thumb1322303223032230
    61Broken Railyard1339003390033900
    62Sosie43551035720 (-210)
    63Swivel Tombs93556043680 (-8120)
    64Flowers of Power43396034270 (-310)
    65Left Behind Again73625036400 (-150)36200 (+50)
    66Insane Asylum24214042270 (-130)
    67Before My Very Eyes63945039840 (-390)
    68Pipe Maze43747037680 (-210)
    69Nameplate Stamping Facility13560035600
    71Hyacinth33929039410 (-120)
    72Rage Rooms33824038410 (-170)
    73Foiled Again34092041010 (-90)
    74The Floodgates Open44123041350 (-120)
    75Excavation Alley83949042400 (-2910)
    76Three Mile Island94022045280 (-5060)
    77Repeaters44249042620 (-130)
    78Blocked In44130
    79Marine Science Museum34340043520 (-120)
    80Forest Hub14455044550
    81Bomb Blockade24513045230 (-100)45020 (+110)
    82Bit Player44269042780 (-90)
    83Electric Feel14591045910
    84Avec des Reserves24630046510 (-210)
    85Double Agent1446404464044640
    86Hydrochloric Acid Factory Disaster84818054380 (-6200)
    87Of the Roses48940
    89Chip and Melinda Go Skating49030
    90Time in a Bottle54747047490 (-20)
    92Cosmic Dump35387054140 (-270)
    94Various Hues of Blue45070051270 (-570)
    95Strike!35053050740 (-210)
    96Sentinel Beach85139055280 (-3890)
    97Around the Corner61260
    98Gentlemen's Club53350
    100Treasure Collection54050
    103Powder Monkey56870
    104Filled Out in Triplicate56320
    105Remote Detonator5728057290
    106Cold Lazarus58350
    107Complex Complex15450054500
    108Virtue Is Its Own Reward57290
    109Present Push15510055100
    111Ruin Rush5730056400
    112The Amazing Vortex16074060740
    114Pairing Off1596605966059660
    116Snail Simulator 20196130061362
    117Get Your Hands Dirty1625806258062580
    120Ultimate Roller Priorities61770
    121Permutation76391063940 (-30)
    122Pushing Pull Doors65060
    123Bar66587066160 (-290)
    126Be Optimal or Be Dead1658106581065810
    127One Good Turn1666806668066680
    129Small Matters16802068020
    131Wormhole in the Sun71100
    133Boiled in Blood71630
    134The 34 Primroses27075071110 (-360)
    135Military Intelligence1709707097070970
    137Meeting in the Aisle73240
    138Greedy Twin74520
    139Reverse Osmosis16950069500
    140Title Deferred76370
    141Thin Blue Line74080
    142Aten: Disk of the Sun75970
    145Lady in the Water77200
    147Fill in the Blanks79780
    148Total Eclipse of the Port79270
    149Bye Bye Bye47544075450 (-10)75450 (-10)
    150Joint Effort80500
    151No Swap Zone80070
    153Slow-Motion Hallway Fight Sequence82190
    155Number Field58399084000 (-10)84000 (-10)
    156Uptown Decisions84080
    157Archival Footage91070
    158The Gift of Giving28793088160 (-230)
    159Cut the Ice17950079500
    160Sneak Around85840
    161Chaos to Metastable86040
    162Ode to a Tank Crossing the Road91950
    163Boot Warehouse87250
    164Deadline Extension88280
    165Cold Comfort18609086090
    166Triple-B Battery68728088780 (-1500)
    167Wizard's Prison18350083500
    168Aquatos Sewer System28689086900 (-10)86900 (-10)
    169Love and Theft94940
    170Circuit City99330
    173Tiny Isle Reshuffled90690
    175Mobile Cannon Mr. McCallahan59443097290 (-2860)
    176Double Stop93220
    177The Wrong Direction94290
    178Tank of Justice96440
    179Oversaturated Contrast97180
    181Bringin' Down the House2100470101370 (-900)
    182Two Minds94410
    183Triple Threat4122160123300 (-1140)
    184Production Line6101130104390 (-3260)
    185Bigger Boulder Alley124210
    186Pushing the Boundaries106940
    187Return Strategies19350093500
    188Noen Cheoc2100620101740 (-1120)
    189Liquid Defense29868098800 (-120)
    190Blocko's Modern Life101650
    191Leaving It All Behind1998709987099870
    192Sequence2107760108150 (-390)
    193Connected Component19838098380
    194Give Up the Ghost102690
    196The Girl Who Was Left Behind3104480104540 (-60)
    198Great Train Robbery1103000103000
    199Obfuscated and Interred106080
    200Swivel Castle1102000102000