
    chipster1059 has designed 8 levels in official or community level packs

    Chip's Challenge Level Pack 4

    Number Title
    49 Block Parking

    Chip's Challenge 2 Level Pack 1

    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 158: The Gift of Giving
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 158: The Gift of Giving
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 175: Mobile Cannon Mr. McCallahan
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 181: Bringin' Down the House
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 181: Bringin' Down the House
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 183: Triple Threat
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 188: Noen Cheoc
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 188: Noen Cheoc
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 189: Liquid Defense
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 189: Liquid Defense
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 192: Sequence
    • 30-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 192: Sequence
    • 26-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 96: Sentinel Beach
    • 26-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 134: The 34 Primroses
    • 26-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 134: The 34 Primroses
    • 26-Dec-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 166: Triple-B Battery
    • 12-Dec-2024: Confirmed a score bold (15660) on CC2LP1 Steam level 26: My Antisocial Friend
    • 12-Dec-2024: Confirmed a time bold (266) on CC2LP1 Steam level 26: My Antisocial Friend
    • 12-Dec-2024: Confirmed a score bold (19180) on CC2LP1 Steam level 30: The Electric Company
    • 12-Dec-2024: Confirmed a time bold (418) on CC2LP1 Steam level 30: The Electric Company
    • 12-Dec-2024: Confirmed a time bold (274) on CC2LP1 Steam level 39: Slime Minister
    • 14-Nov-2024: Set a new score bold (b+90) on CC2 Steam level 117: Room #9
    • 14-Nov-2024: Set a new time bold (b+9) on CC2 Steam level 117: Room #9
    • 14-Nov-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2 Steam level 179: In & Out II
    • 10-Nov-2024: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2 Steam level 152: Pattern Buffers
    • 10-Nov-2024: Confirmed a score bold (94450) on CC2 Steam level 165: Melinda 911
    • 10-Nov-2024: Confirmed a time bold (416) on CC2 Steam level 165: Melinda 911
    • 08-Nov-2024: Confirmed a time bold (481) on CC2 Steam level 178: Breaking the Ice
    • 27-Jun-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 122: Expanding Warehouse
    • 27-Jun-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 121: Lockjaw
    • 05-May-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 112: Melancholia
    • 05-May-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 114: A Love for Puzzles
    • 05-May-2024: Set a new time bold (b+3) on CCLP5 Lynx level 115: Titanic Monarch
    • 05-May-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 112: Melancholia
    • 30-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+37) on CCLP5 Lynx level 106: Slimefield
    • 30-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 110: Another Perspective
    • 30-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 106: Slimefield
    • 30-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 110: Another Perspective
    • 29-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 101: Barefoot Bandit
    • 29-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 102: Minimalist Art Gallery
    • 29-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 103: Illicit Logging Facility
    • 29-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 105: Beyond the Facades
    • 29-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 103: Illicit Logging Facility
    • 28-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 96: Sour Apple Cider
    • 28-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 96: Sour Apple Cider
    • 18-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 54: The Slaughterhouse Is Open for Business
    • 18-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 91: Airletter Shop
    • 18-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+17) on CCLP5 Lynx level 92: Glamorous Diamond Downs
    • 18-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 94: Feat After Feat
    • 18-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+8) on CCLP5 MS level 92: Glamorous Diamond Downs
    • 17-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+75) on CCLP5 MS level 88: Flypaper
    • 17-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+16) on CCLP5 MS level 90: Decrepit Crypt
    • 17-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 86: Phantasmal Stalkers
    • 17-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 87: Network Corruption
    • 17-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+149) on CCLP5 Lynx level 88: Flypaper
    • 17-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 15: Heterochromia
    • 17-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+15) on CCLP5 Lynx level 90: Decrepit Crypt
    • 15-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 82: Encrypted Malware
    • 15-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 83: Polarity Isle
    • 15-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 84: Piston It Away
    • 15-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+9) on CCLP5 Lynx level 85: Sokoban Adventure
    • 15-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 82: Encrypted Malware
    • 15-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 83: Polarity Isle
    • 15-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+46) on CCLP5 MS level 85: Sokoban Adventure
    • 14-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 76: Yellow Fever
    • 14-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+27) on CCLP5 Lynx level 77: Avenues of Zagreb
    • 14-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+35) on CCLP5 Lynx level 79: Drawn and Quartered and Quartered
    • 14-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+32) on CCLP5 MS level 77: Avenues of Zagreb
    • 14-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 78: Salsa Verde
    • 14-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 79: Drawn and Quartered and Quartered
    • 12-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 71: Amethyst Mine
    • 12-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 72: Miner Setbacks
    • 12-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 73: Three Boot Night
    • 12-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 74: Dark Hollow
    • 12-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+69) on CCLP5 Lynx level 75: Canyon of Lost Color
    • 12-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 72: Miner Setbacks
    • 12-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+33) on CCLP5 MS level 75: Canyon of Lost Color
    • 10-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 66: Tornado Alley
    • 10-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+67) on CCLP5 MS level 68: PPPuzzles
    • 10-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+78) on CCLP5 MS level 70: Ski Resort Town
    • 10-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 66: Tornado Alley
    • 10-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+11) on CCLP5 Lynx level 68: PPPuzzles
    • 10-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+72) on CCLP5 Lynx level 70: Ski Resort Town
    • 08-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 61: Snowbound
    • 08-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 64: Condemned Facility
    • 08-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 65: The World Has Turned and Left Me Here
    • 08-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 61: Snowbound
    • 08-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 64: Condemned Facility
    • 03-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 56: Smoke Inhalation
    • 03-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 57: Irradiated Radiator
    • 03-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 58: Warehouse of Lost Hopes and Dreams
    • 03-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 59: Clone Machine Factory
    • 03-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 60: Fuego Ironworks
    • 03-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 56: Smoke Inhalation
    • 03-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 58: Warehouse of Lost Hopes and Dreams
    • 02-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 51: Nitroglycerin Below 57F
    • 02-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 52: Magma Cone
    • 02-Apr-2024: Set a new time bold (b+34) on CCLP5 Lynx level 53: Reproducing
    • 02-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 51: Nitroglycerin Below 57F
    • 02-Apr-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 53: Reproducing
    • 31-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 47: The Toggle Station
    • 31-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 48: Tank Game Reborn
    • 31-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 49: The Sound of Silence
    • 31-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 50: The Unwinding
    • 31-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 50: The Unwinding
    • 29-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 41: The Dividing Line
    • 29-Mar-2024: Set a new time bold (b+51) on CCLP5 Lynx level 42: Instigate and Exfiltrate
    • 29-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 43: Verdant Cavern
    • 29-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 44: Thunderwave Cave
    • 29-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 45: Insert Name Here Caverns
    • 29-Mar-2024: Set a new time bold (b+58) on CCLP5 MS level 42: Instigate and Exfiltrate
    • 29-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 43: Verdant Cavern
    • 29-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 45: Insert Name Here Caverns
    • 27-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 36: Charmed Ridge
    • 27-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 37: Quantified Nerves
    • 27-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 38: Exit Exaggeration
    • 27-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 39: Mysterious Geoglyph
    • 27-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 40: Wealth and Corruption
    • 27-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 36: Charmed Ridge
    • 27-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 37: Quantified Nerves
    • 26-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 31: Sealed Chamber
    • 26-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 32: Socket Shrine
    • 26-Mar-2024: Confirmed a time bold (954) on CCLP5 Lynx level 33: Terre Haute
    • 26-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 34: Spirit River
    • 26-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 35: Fortune Ravine
    • 26-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 34: Spirit River
    • 26-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 35: Fortune Ravine
    • 21-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 30: Ragged Mountain
    • 21-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 27: Dumbbell Dichotomy
    • 21-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 28: For Want of a Nail
    • 21-Mar-2024: Confirmed a time bold (204) on CCLP5 Lynx level 29: Sandshaker
    • 21-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 30: Ragged Mountain
    • 20-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 MS level 22: Capim Town
    • 17-Mar-2024: Confirmed a time bold (181) on CCLP5 Lynx level 1: Lesson Zero
    • 17-Mar-2024: Confirmed a time bold (221) on CCLP5 Lynx level 14: High Fidelity Flame
    • 17-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 20: Forbidden Island
    • 17-Mar-2024: Set a new time bold (b+52) on CCLP5 Lynx level 25: Drops of Jupiter
    • 17-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 26: Deephaven
    • 13-Mar-2024: Confirmed a time bold (180) on CCLP5 Lynx level 11: Pyramid Scheme
    • 13-Mar-2024: Confirmed a time bold (214) on CCLP5 Lynx level 12: Vault Line
    • 13-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 17: There Goes the Neighborhood
    • 13-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 18: Press Any Button to Continue
    • 13-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 19: Hue and Saturation
    • 13-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 21: Slime Sliding
    • 13-Mar-2024: Set a new time bold (b+85) on CCLP5 Lynx level 22: Capim Town
    • 11-Mar-2024: Confirmed a time bold (290) on CCLP5 Lynx level 2: Multipurpose Tool
    • 11-Mar-2024: Confirmed a time bold (243) on CCLP5 Lynx level 3: Paparazzi
    • 11-Mar-2024: Confirmed a time bold (291) on CCLP5 Lynx level 9: Secret Jungle Laboratory
    • 11-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 11: Pyramid Scheme
    • 11-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 12: Vault Line
    • 11-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 13: Cardboard Cutout
    • 11-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 14: High Fidelity Flame
    • 11-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 16: Moving Day
    • 10-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 1: Lesson Zero
    • 10-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 2: Multipurpose Tool
    • 10-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 3: Paparazzi
    • 10-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 5: Fragmented Lamina
    • 10-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 6: Choice Tools
    • 10-Mar-2024: Confirmed a time bold (309) on CCLP5 Lynx level 7: Trading Post
    • 10-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 8: Trick or Trap
    • 10-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 9: Secret Jungle Laboratory
    • 10-Mar-2024: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP5 Lynx level 10: Ages Beyond
    • 21-Aug-2023: Confirmed a time bold (967) on CCLP4 Lynx level 68: Cold Fusion Reactor
    • 11-Mar-2022: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP4 Lynx level 96: Lean Thinking
    • 08-Mar-2022: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP4 Lynx level 128: Mindless Self-Indulgence
    • 04-Mar-2022: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP4 Lynx level 122: Jigsee
    • 21-Feb-2022: Partially confirmed a time bold on CCLP4 Lynx level 141: World of a Thousand Flames
    • 03-Jul-2021: Confirmed a score bold (5780) on CC2LP1 Steam level 2: Wrong of Way
    • 10-Mar-2021: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC1 Steam level 35: Lemmings
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+790) on CC2LP1 Steam level 86: Hydrochloric Acid Factory Disaster
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+79) on CC2LP1 Steam level 86: Hydrochloric Acid Factory Disaster
    • 11-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 90: Time in a Bottle
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+47) on CC2LP1 Steam level 90: Time in a Bottle
    • 11-Oct-2020: Confirmed a time bold (266) on CC2LP1 Steam level 8: Brigand Land
    • 11-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 9: What's a Girl to Do?
    • 11-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 9: What's a Girl to Do?
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+2) on CC2LP1 Steam level 12: Spreading Like Wildfire
    • 11-Oct-2020: Confirmed a score bold (16760) on CC2LP1 Steam level 32: Ball of Blocks
    • 11-Oct-2020: Confirmed a time bold (76) on CC2LP1 Steam level 32: Ball of Blocks
    • 11-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 63: Swivel Tombs
    • 11-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 63: Swivel Tombs
    • 11-Oct-2020: Confirmed a score bold (37820) on CC2LP1 Steam level 70: Multiplicare
    • 11-Oct-2020: Confirmed a time bold (282) on CC2LP1 Steam level 70: Multiplicare
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+710) on CC2LP1 Steam level 72: Rage Rooms
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+71) on CC2LP1 Steam level 72: Rage Rooms
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+70) on CC2LP1 Steam level 73: Foiled Again
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+7) on CC2LP1 Steam level 73: Foiled Again
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+180) on CC2LP1 Steam level 71: Hyacinth
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+23) on CC2LP1 Steam level 71: Hyacinth
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+340) on CC2LP1 Steam level 77: Repeaters
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+34) on CC2LP1 Steam level 77: Repeaters
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+130) on CC2LP1 Steam level 84: Avec des Reserves
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+13) on CC2LP1 Steam level 84: Avec des Reserves
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+140) on CC2LP1 Steam level 85: Double Agent
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+14) on CC2LP1 Steam level 85: Double Agent
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+1020) on CC2LP1 Steam level 91: chipdied.wmv
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+102) on CC2LP1 Steam level 91: chipdied.wmv
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+4460) on CC2LP1 Steam level 92: Cosmic Dump
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+69) on CC2LP1 Steam level 92: Cosmic Dump
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+110) on CC2LP1 Steam level 94: Various Hues of Blue
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+11) on CC2LP1 Steam level 94: Various Hues of Blue
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+560) on CC2LP1 Steam level 95: Strike!
    • 11-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+56) on CC2LP1 Steam level 95: Strike!
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+20) on CC2LP1 Steam level 1: Island Beginnings
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 40: A Real Thinker
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 40: A Real Thinker
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 41: Teeth on Edge
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 41: Teeth on Edge
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+1920) on CC2LP1 Steam level 46: Axis
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 46: Axis
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 47: Lowlife
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 47: Lowlife
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 53: In a Minefield
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 53: In a Minefield
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 56: Asceticism
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+14) on CC2LP1 Steam level 56: Asceticism
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+230) on CC2LP1 Steam level 57: Poison Backyard
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+23) on CC2LP1 Steam level 57: Poison Backyard
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+80) on CC2LP1 Steam level 59: Set in Motion
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+8) on CC2LP1 Steam level 59: Set in Motion
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+590) on CC2LP1 Steam level 60: Green Thumb
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+59) on CC2LP1 Steam level 60: Green Thumb
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+310) on CC2LP1 Steam level 68: Pipe Maze
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+31) on CC2LP1 Steam level 68: Pipe Maze
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+70) on CC2LP1 Steam level 6: How to Item Drop Like a Champ
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+7) on CC2LP1 Steam level 6: How to Item Drop Like a Champ
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+13) on CC2LP1 Steam level 26: My Antisocial Friend
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+60) on CC2LP1 Steam level 40: A Real Thinker
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+6) on CC2LP1 Steam level 40: A Real Thinker
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+100) on CC2LP1 Steam level 41: Teeth on Edge
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+10) on CC2LP1 Steam level 41: Teeth on Edge
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+390) on CC2LP1 Steam level 42: Mellow Yellow, Hello
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+2) on CC2LP1 Steam level 42: Mellow Yellow, Hello
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+190) on CC2LP1 Steam level 62: Sosie
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+19) on CC2LP1 Steam level 62: Sosie
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+430) on CC2LP1 Steam level 63: Swivel Tombs
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+63) on CC2LP1 Steam level 63: Swivel Tombs
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+8080) on CC2LP1 Steam level 66: Insane Asylum
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+20) on CC2LP1 Steam level 66: Insane Asylum
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+110) on CC2LP1 Steam level 69: Nameplate Stamping Facility
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+10) on CC2LP1 Steam level 69: Nameplate Stamping Facility
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+100) on CC2LP1 Steam level 74: The Floodgates Open
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+23) on CC2LP1 Steam level 74: The Floodgates Open
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+520) on CC2LP1 Steam level 79: Marine Science Museum
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+52) on CC2LP1 Steam level 79: Marine Science Museum
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+50) on CC2LP1 Steam level 80: Forest Hub
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+5) on CC2LP1 Steam level 80: Forest Hub
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 19: Restricted Areas
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 19: Restricted Areas
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 31: A Helping Hand
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+3) on CC2LP1 Steam level 31: A Helping Hand
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 32: Ball of Blocks
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 32: Ball of Blocks
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+150) on CC2LP1 Steam level 37: Haunted Swamp
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+15) on CC2LP1 Steam level 37: Haunted Swamp
    • 10-Oct-2020: Confirmed a score bold (24700) on CC2LP1 Steam level 44: Caught Flatfooted
    • 10-Oct-2020: Confirmed a time bold (270) on CC2LP1 Steam level 44: Caught Flatfooted
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+14) on CC2LP1 Steam level 46: Axis
    • 10-Oct-2020: Confirmed a score bold (25750) on CC2LP1 Steam level 47: Lowlife
    • 10-Oct-2020: Confirmed a time bold (225) on CC2LP1 Steam level 47: Lowlife
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+140) on CC2LP1 Steam level 52: Stopgap Measure
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+14) on CC2LP1 Steam level 52: Stopgap Measure
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 32: Ball of Blocks
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 32: Ball of Blocks
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+250) on CC2LP1 Steam level 33: Trial by Fire
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+12) on CC2LP1 Steam level 33: Trial by Fire
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+120) on CC2LP1 Steam level 45: Settlement of Arrakis
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+12) on CC2LP1 Steam level 45: Settlement of Arrakis
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+650) on CC2LP1 Steam level 49: Sokobomb
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 58: Caveat Emptor
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 58: Caveat Emptor
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 65: Left Behind Again
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 65: Left Behind Again
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 67: Before My Very Eyes
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 67: Before My Very Eyes
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 70: Multiplicare
    • 10-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 70: Multiplicare
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+1530) on CC2LP1 Steam level 81: Bomb Blockade
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+153) on CC2LP1 Steam level 81: Bomb Blockade
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+210) on CC2LP1 Steam level 82: Bit Player
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+21) on CC2LP1 Steam level 82: Bit Player
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+1050) on CC2LP1 Steam level 83: Electric Feel
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+105) on CC2LP1 Steam level 83: Electric Feel
    • 10-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+130) on CC2LP1 Steam level 26: My Antisocial Friend
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (2100) on CC2LP1 Steam level 1: Island Beginnings
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (160) on CC2LP1 Steam level 1: Island Beginnings
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (5740) on CC2LP1 Steam level 2: Wrong of Way
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (358) on CC2LP1 Steam level 2: Wrong of Way
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (3340) on CC2LP1 Steam level 3: A Little Help
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (178) on CC2LP1 Steam level 3: A Little Help
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (6020) on CC2LP1 Steam level 4: Cave Diving
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (42) on CC2LP1 Steam level 4: Cave Diving
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (5590) on CC2LP1 Steam level 5: Button Museum
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (309) on CC2LP1 Steam level 5: Button Museum
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (7560) on CC2LP1 Steam level 6: How to Item Drop Like a Champ
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (456) on CC2LP1 Steam level 6: How to Item Drop Like a Champ
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (6540) on CC2LP1 Steam level 7: Tori
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (281) on CC2LP1 Steam level 7: Tori
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (7620) on CC2LP1 Steam level 8: Brigand Land
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (265) on CC2LP1 Steam level 8: Brigand Land
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (6890) on CC2LP1 Steam level 9: What's a Girl to Do?
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (239) on CC2LP1 Steam level 9: What's a Girl to Do?
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (8490) on CC2LP1 Steam level 10: Blocksmith
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (349) on CC2LP1 Steam level 10: Blocksmith
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+10) on CC2LP1 Steam level 10: Blocksmith
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC2LP1 Steam level 10: Blocksmith
    • 09-Oct-2020: Confirmed a score bold (5500) on CC2LP1 Steam level 11: When One Door Closes
    • 09-Oct-2020: Confirmed a time bold (0) on CC2LP1 Steam level 11: When One Door Closes
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+1870) on CC2LP1 Steam level 12: Spreading Like Wildfire
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+15) on CC2LP1 Steam level 12: Spreading Like Wildfire
    • 09-Oct-2020: Confirmed a score bold (8480) on CC2LP1 Steam level 13: Temporary Housing
    • 09-Oct-2020: Confirmed a time bold (198) on CC2LP1 Steam level 13: Temporary Housing
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+1010) on CC2LP1 Steam level 14: Getting Off Track
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+23) on CC2LP1 Steam level 14: Getting Off Track
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+250) on CC2LP1 Steam level 15: Slip Up
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+25) on CC2LP1 Steam level 15: Slip Up
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+7950) on CC2LP1 Steam level 16: A Simple Case of Mistaken Identity
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+17) on CC2LP1 Steam level 16: A Simple Case of Mistaken Identity
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+260) on CC2LP1 Steam level 17: Key Keeper
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+26) on CC2LP1 Steam level 17: Key Keeper
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+160) on CC2LP1 Steam level 18: Dialectic Materialism
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+19) on CC2LP1 Steam level 18: Dialectic Materialism
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (12880) on CC2LP1 Steam level 20: Tetromino Trek
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (288) on CC2LP1 Steam level 20: Tetromino Trek
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+60) on CC2LP1 Steam level 18: Dialectic Materialism
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+7) on CC2LP1 Steam level 18: Dialectic Materialism
    • 09-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 21: Stepping With Stones
    • 09-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 21: Stepping With Stones
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+140) on CC2LP1 Steam level 23: Trans-Pachipic Partnership
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+14) on CC2LP1 Steam level 23: Trans-Pachipic Partnership
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+450) on CC2LP1 Steam level 25: Solitary Alignment
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+32) on CC2LP1 Steam level 25: Solitary Alignment
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+500) on CC2LP1 Steam level 27: Dropping In
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+57) on CC2LP1 Steam level 27: Dropping In
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+220) on CC2LP1 Steam level 29: Secret Escape Tunnel
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+22) on CC2LP1 Steam level 29: Secret Escape Tunnel
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (19120) on CC2LP1 Steam level 30: The Electric Company
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (412) on CC2LP1 Steam level 30: The Electric Company
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (19140) on CC2LP1 Steam level 36: Metalhead
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (114) on CC2LP1 Steam level 36: Metalhead
    • 09-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a score bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 149: Bye Bye Bye
    • 09-Oct-2020: Partially confirmed a time bold on CC2LP1 Steam level 149: Bye Bye Bye
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+1850) on CC2LP1 Steam level 24: If Walls Could Speak
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+12) on CC2LP1 Steam level 24: If Walls Could Speak
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+510) on CC2LP1 Steam level 34: Relics of a Lost Age
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+76) on CC2LP1 Steam level 34: Relics of a Lost Age
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+120) on CC2LP1 Steam level 35: Bowling in the Sewer
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+12) on CC2LP1 Steam level 35: Bowling in the Sewer
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new score bold (b+390) on CC2LP1 Steam level 39: Slime Minister
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set a new time bold (b+39) on CC2LP1 Steam level 39: Slime Minister
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (23440) on CC2LP1 Steam level 43: Tulip Garden
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (194) on CC2LP1 Steam level 43: Tulip Garden
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (24660) on CC2LP1 Steam level 44: Caught Flatfooted
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (266) on CC2LP1 Steam level 44: Caught Flatfooted
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (27000) on CC2LP1 Steam level 54: Green Wrangler
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (0) on CC2LP1 Steam level 54: Green Wrangler
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial score bold (36080) on CC2LP1 Steam level 65: Left Behind Again
    • 09-Oct-2020: Set an initial time bold (358) on CC2LP1 Steam level 65: Left Behind Again
    • 27-Feb-2020: Set a new time bold (b+1) on CC1 Steam level 54: Grail
    • 27-Feb-2020: Set a new time bold (b+2) on CC1 Steam level 54: Grail

    Scores Summary by Pack


    Times Breakdown

    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    1 83 168 347 192 169 184
    2 90 180 243 342 251 292
    3 89 183 109 312 220 246
    4 116 207 237 245 227
    5 85 232 377 395 277 198
    6 94 185 163 93 310 355
    7 139 185 254 152 93 315
    8 96 230 302 111 333 206
    9 306 228 197 111 247 298
    10 51 320 368 79 75 244
    11 211 226 411 448 350 180
    12 270 289 354 125 226 219
    13 [982] 263 342 107 213 266
    14 204 206 258 347 335 222
    15 89 315 237 195 260 292
    16 [971] 281 314 254 285 265
    17 83 [990] 256 97 254 336
    18 553 264 237 345 221 233
    19 171 351 301 174 187 294
    20 340 380 293 223 342 337
    21 119 175 264 211 303 336
    22 293 330 27 110 238 376
    23 429 226 254 245 349
    24 430 343 305 221 387 338
    25 435 139 269 99 415 370
    26 254 173 128 394 250 282
    27 147 283 276 228 399 325
    28 239 273 266 392 403 363
    29 302 326 169 285 313 211
    30 454 219 246 232 61 443
    31 6 144 365 211 397 241
    32 379 263 377 157 320 386
    33 [684] [956] 76 40 215 [958]
    34 297 290 404 876 178 367
    35 577 379 446 59 356 393
    36 232 219 447 222 471 320
    37 597 332 324 135 385 369
    38 462 483 11 304 196 331
    39 17 237 231 37 454 428
    40 195 [962] 249 228 130 401
    41 172 166 207 209 310 331
    42 187 419 246 421 237 565
    43 126 206 19 339 422 324
    44 146 365 205 217 412 389
    45 292 279 138 411 366 247
    46 222 286 40 278 251
    47 231 [956] 270 369 353 288
    48 277 180 125 391 298 475
    49 162 430 30 306 [902] [896]
    50 318 167 428 154 334 838
    51 655 271 395 329 392 625
    52 382 309 313 365 103 251
    53 478 410 58 312 334 [907]
    54 326 235 303 279 208 359
    55 70 322 78 237 534 315
    56 162 [963] 236 317 549 510
    57 229 296 266 197 448 313
    58 550 327 301 244 335 471
    59 368 [970] 352 322 339 307
    60 288 263 566 258 210 522
    61 [950] 425 421 318 536 381
    62 282 346 256 488 356 282
    63 477 174 128 230 513 261
    64 548 45 348 326 311 392
    65 397 428 38 67 561 318
    66 292 287 233 293 264 518
    67 518 304 255 190 317 [950]
    68 489 [949] 273 430 [979] 676
    69 229 288 238 426 399 283
    70 136 426 220 405 361 659
    71 355 302 25 432 177 422
    72 [961] 183 451 125 358 683
    73 485 419 232 265 266 501
    74 359 352 253 270 336 294
    75 479 243 113 314 416 570
    76 416 382 241 496 397 368
    77 481 8 244 191 490 624
    78 480 533 298 411 507 446
    79 220 [958] 114 311 356 584
    80 733 390 316 191 292 664
    81 [511] [900] 346 113 312 [962]
    82 969 95 253 480 [907] 337
    83 298 [972] 388 229 439 358
    84 580 474 426 346 397 448
    85 236 971 304 507 445 724
    86 381 309 249 392 323 337
    87 [544] 560 20 396 516 318
    88 317 [906] 317 792 278 770
    89 389 345 381 398 393
    90 318 340 204 207 375 459
    91 367 350 468 229 472 427
    92 444 825 458 404 436 553
    93 649 328 388 39 384
    94 [906] 479 776 283 504 520
    95 335 309 314 381 514 299
    96 320 408 398 515 [870] 476
    97 290 365 265 482 264 525
    98 338 329 37 496 470 [874]
    99 380 [983] 269 320 302 65
    100 [911] 332 345 231 920 550
    101 240 [840] 924 608 412 347
    102 177 [944] 371 350 326 526
    103 488 [977] 384 308 572 532
    104 235 602 341 305 196
    105 255 257 200 205 415 478
    106 [907] 369 342 239 240 463
    107 260 332 6 551 [880] 400
    108 278 296 344 397 518 576
    109 133 433 567 400 22 325
    110 277 [844] 456 299 [946] 843
    111 [963] [959] 376 638 174 467
    112 [985] 505 144 225 545 365
    113 462 [972] 671 407 346 592
    114 172 313 81 515 482 548
    115 [919] 430 353 829 [916] 415
    116 708 521 425 297 307 474
    117 [942] 252 475 614 267
    118 260 104 189 387 428 651
    119 210 322 280 506 520 489
    120 [949] [797] 335 618 607 [783]
    121 [968] 281 283 69 399 [879]
    122 272 649 451 504 771 515
    123 272 60 746 718 642
    124 667 560 228 503 112
    125 [830] 210 232 645 528
    126 437 354 156 134 145
    127 454 422 113 428 225
    128 315 592 336 433 491
    129 286 272 593 538 220
    130 [933] [856] 385 311 561
    131 26 106 241 640 734
    132 683 446 251 339 513
    133 [941] 471 832 829 613
    134 [218] 333 361 196 417
    135 293 382 402 711 387
    136 [910] [876] 423 491 326
    137 392 179 400 767 [860]
    138 240 520 481 139 460
    139 [920] 258 370 541 [977]
    140 263 821 476 [850] 763
    141 [968] 269 598 337 712
    142 [968] 383 520 532 43
    143 [858] [850] 495 746 619
    144 [832] 430 539 [547] 706
    145 [991] 235 455 735 512
    146 709 387 319 [700] [820]
    147 [970] 853 781 421 735
    148 [629] 373 550 320 427
    149 955 430 424 792 515
    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    1 82 168 348 182 163 181
    2 89 179 243 338 249 290
    3 88 183 107 306 207 243
    4 116 201 234 234 221
    5 84 232 371 395 277 192
    6 93 186 163 90 303 347
    7 135 184 246 147 91 309
    8 96 229 276 103 333 209
    9 299 225 196 108 242 291
    10 51 319 367 77 71 243
    11 204 225 399 437 350 180
    12 269 287 354 126 217 214
    13 [981] 263 337 94 209 254
    14 196 208 257 337 330 221
    15 87 306 234 177 258 294
    16 [971] 277 300 244 282 259
    17 82 [989] 249 95 254 333
    18 552 263 225 341 218 236
    19 171 348 303 168 186 281
    20 340 375 292 221 334 330
    21 115 173 260 203 298 326
    22 288 330 27 108 238 375
    23 430 226 256 241 349
    24 428 329 301 218 379 332
    25 422 138 271 99 405 362
    26 254 172 126 383 250 269
    27 144 276 266 215 390 322
    28 236 257 268 391 370 356
    29 287 326 169 280 307 204
    30 454 218 251 232 58 438
    31 3 114 350 201 388 233
    32 379 263 369 157 307 380
    33 [620] [954] 71 37 213 [954]
    34 297 290 411 857 158 356
    35 577 374 445 59 347 388
    36 241 216 435 209 462 324
    37 584 332 319 129 370 361
    38 452 467 11 293 169 311
    39 17 237 228 23 425 424
    40 192 [960] 252 223 130 395
    41 166 163 203 197 307 328
    42 187 403 244 397 233 557
    43 118 206 15 339 403 319
    44 144 360 202 217 409 386
    45 291 277 132 395 346 237
    46 200 286 39 260 250
    47 220 [943] 265 367 356 269
    48 271 180 125 380 291 471
    49 161 411 27 291 [896] [893]
    50 319 166 424 159 327 803
    51 649 231 382 304 380 584
    52 381 306 305 365 90 244
    53 452 400 57 302 330 [883]
    54 319 231 295 260 195 342
    55 68 323 74 223 546 315
    56 150 [963] 232 305 543 494
    57 228 285 242 193 442 305
    58 546 327 301 241 335 452
    59 366 [970] 349 304 349 308
    60 232 263 554 220 207 508
    61 [921] 413 393 302 528 361
    62 282 341 246 480 359 276
    63 473 169 124 215 506 237
    64 547 35 349 293 294 387
    65 383 414 32 66 553 302
    66 291 283 231 283 264 511
    67 518 386 250 188 309 [949]
    68 492 [949] 276 421 [967] 657
    69 220 285 238 405 391 269
    70 136 426 208 388 349 619
    71 351 280 24 386 175 421
    72 [961] 180 372 117 343 679
    73 485 420 231 265 265 483
    74 355 343 246 268 309 290
    75 479 241 109 307 412 557
    76 400 376 232 433 382 360
    77 479 6 240 189 483 586
    78 469 533 296 354 494 433
    79 218 [958] 108 282 362 574
    80 732 390 312 181 287 660
    81 [426] [889] 311 104 295 [959]
    82 970 92 244 449 [896] 328
    83 297 [971] 371 199 456 343
    84 579 470 421 339 386 443
    85 224 969 285 500 428 690
    86 380 302 243 383 299 341
    87 [461] 542 31 394 501 309
    88 317 [907] 314 750 278 752
    89 378 337 379 394 396
    90 314 323 198 207 384 446
    91 367 350 468 206 362 414
    92 443 819 436 389 428 542
    93 637 326 386 31 378
    94 [906] 479 676 269 486 494
    95 333 296 313 370 500 290
    96 318 407 401 514 [856] 459
    97 290 362 249 467 259 513
    98 332 321 36 491 457 [875]
    99 373 [983] 265 298 285 60
    100 [911] 334 347 231 875 520
    101 240 [846] 924 544 408 341
    102 175 [943] 362 284 324 510
    103 488 [978] 368 279 568 503
    104 234 593 339 307 184
    105 254 235 172 203 407 460
    106 [903] 367 337 221 233 466
    107 258 331 2 517 [862] 392
    108 272 292 346 373 501 573
    109 129 433 567 351 19 316
    110 268 [822] 428 274 [945] 828
    111 [961] [954] 375 577 170 448
    112 [985] 492 129 216 499 364
    113 463 [963] 654 396 331 576
    114 174 312 71 570 508 546
    115 [898] 416 352 828 [906] 411
    116 693 533 376 284 306 438
    117 [923] 248 459 597 263
    118 258 98 180 338 426 639
    119 178 300 275 478 508 474
    120 [942] [788] 336 605 631 [762]
    121 [966] 280 235 51 391 [866]
    122 272 648 452 477 751 502
    123 270 58 723 665 629
    124 662 549 223 481 109
    125 [821] 207 229 511 512
    126 419 352 156 132 132
    127 442 413 110 420 217
    128 293 573 336 432 486
    129 287 271 595 479 218
    130 [925] [847] 381 271 514
    131 26 103 236 630 710
    132 582 439 256 336 483
    133 [940] 468 804 788 603
    134 [102] 328 359 209 402
    135 256 375 495 658 384
    136 [782] [857] 326 468 327
    137 381 178 377 746 [855]
    138 229 514 448 136 446
    139 [919] 258 366 510 [956]
    140 247 810 445 [259] 751
    141 [969] 256 591 286 696
    142 [966] 380 475 494 44
    143 [857] [850] 445 748 620
    144 [832] 414 538 [460] 684
    145 235 443 696 505
    146 676 387 282 [517] [825]
    147 [959] 853 889 412 743
    148 [616] 369 544 315 421
    149 949 418 404 679 502
    Bold Better than public Public Worse than public No score
    Name Rank Time Bold Public Execution Routing Luck
    1Lesson 11838383
    2Lesson 21909090
    3Lesson 31898989
    4Lesson 41116116116
    5Lesson 51858585
    6Lesson 61949494
    7Lesson 71139139139
    8Lesson 81969696