Chip's Challenge Level Pack 5 Easiest Bolds

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View level listing for CCLP5 MS
Level Name Time limitBold length Execution difficulty Luck difficulty Bold count Ease factor
11Pyramid Scheme220408120
1Lesson Zero23046575
12Vault Line25031575
7Trading Post450135460
14High Fidelity Flame27048460
18Press Any Button to Continue32078460
2Multipurpose Tool35057345
4Key Free30056345
5Fragmented Lamina25050345
8Trick or Trap25042345
13Cardboard Cutout35991345
17There Goes the Neighborhood42586345
24Uphill Battle43084345
31Sealed Chamber30057345
32Socket Shrine505114345
38Exit Exaggeration450108345
55Dauntless Extraction40059345
62Unlock Block30015345
74Dark Hollow34045345
80Indigo Lagoon72555345
87Network Corruption43392345
131You Break It, You Buy It50023345
142Crown Jewels40018345
9Secret Jungle Laboratory36059230
10Ages Beyond30053230
19Hue and Saturation38081230
25Drops of Jupiter525147230
28For Want of a Nail46081230
30Ragged Mountain650187230
33Terre HauteUntimed38230
35Fortune Ravine500102230
39Mysterious Geoglyph50062230
40Wealth and Corruption550144230
41The Dividing Line37029230
46Axis Point50066230
47The Toggle Station40099230
48Tank Game Reborn628125230
49The Sound of SilenceUntimed100230
52Magma Cone30045230
54The Slaughterhouse Is Open for Business500134230
57Irradiated Radiator41087230
59Clone Machine Factory38059230
60Fuego Ironworks700164230
63Party Trap36088230
65The World Has Turned and Left Me Here450115230
67Manhattan StoplightUntimed38230
69Shady Oasis400100230
71Amethyst Mine550119230
73Three Boot Night660144230
76Yellow Fever500128230
77Avenues of Zagreb794170230
84Piston It Away600142230
86Phantasmal Stalkers40051230
90Decrepit Crypt60095230
91Airletter Shop600160230
92Glamorous Diamond Downs750163230
94Feat After Feat690154230
97Color Disaster Inertia710176230
98Closed CircuitUntimed102230
100The Most Interesting Block in the World720139230
101Barefoot Bandit39041230
102Minimalist Art Gallery62084230
104Escape the Monotony25614230
105Beyond the Facades600111230
107Bento Box46556230
109Let's Square This Away40068230
113Power Plant Peril800202230
114A Love for Puzzles675108230
118Lightning Before the Thunder800108230
119Unsanitary Waters60098230
120Fray Manor IsleUntimed207230
123Sandstorm Shelter810176230
129Rundown RailyardUntimed167230
133Emblazoned Altar560109230
134Flotsam and Jetsam888144230
136Molten Crater975192230
140Yet Another Perspective999199230
6Choice Tools40034115
16Moving Day375105115
20Forbidden Island450107115
21Slime Sliding40057115
22Capim Town47087115
23Elastic EnergyUntimed50115
34Spirit River536164115
36Charmed Ridge460118115
37Quantified Nerves45076115
42Instigate and Exfiltrate700121115
43Verdant Cavern470126115
44Thunderwave Cave511113115
45Insert Name Here Caverns30050115
50The Unwinding999151115
51Nitroglycerin Below 57F70062115
56Smoke Inhalation620108115
58Warehouse of Lost Hopes and Dreams600127115
64Condemned Facility545146115
66Tornado Alley700163115
70Ski Resort Town78097115
72Miner Setbacks830128115
75Canyon of Lost Color700117115
78Salsa Verde51054115
79Drawn and Quartered and Quartered760142115
82Encrypted Malware450100115
83Polarity Isle45066115
85Sokoban Adventure999197115
89Hacking to the Gate50090115
95Room of Requirement33326115
96Sour Apple Cider58461115
99Cosmic Express16090115
103Illicit Logging Facility768214115
108Brown Note750160115
110Another Perspective999138115
115Titanic Monarch615158115
116Sho Sheng Shui600103115
117Cluster Two999280115
122Expanding Warehouse700164115
124Dig Me Out650167115
125Holiday Spirits628201115
126Master Carpenter595171115
127Wastelands of Tabora999262115
128Fahrenheit Frenzy21256115
130Apocalypse Wow850211115
132Prism ConcertoUntimed187115
135Crux of the MatterUntimed274115
138Eternal Engine800128115
141World Revolution999246115
143Lagoon of the Low TideUntimed188115
144Culmina Crater999195115
145Pardon Our Dust730125115
146Broken ParadiseUntimed154115
147Lounge Act999126115
148Brute Force850167115
149Shadow of the Day994240115
27Dumbbell Dichotomy35018210
View level listing for CCLP5 Lynx
Level Name Time limitBold length Execution difficulty Luck difficulty Bold count Ease factor
7Trading Post450141460
12Vault Line25036460
1Lesson Zero23049345
2Multipurpose Tool35060345
9Secret Jungle Laboratory36069345
11Pyramid Scheme22040345
14High Fidelity Flame27049345
10Ages Beyond30053230
17There Goes the Neighborhood42589230
24Uphill Battle43090230
27Dumbbell Dichotomy35026230
33Terre HauteUntimed45230
37Quantified Nerves45086230
55Dauntless Extraction40057230
95Room of Requirement33339230
107Bento Box46568230
109Let's Square This Away40077230
4Key Free30058115
5Fragmented Lamina25054115
6Choice Tools40045115
8Trick or Trap25035115
13Cardboard Cutout35996115
16Moving Day375115115
18Press Any Button to Continue32077115
19Hue and Saturation38093115
20Forbidden Island450115115
21Slime Sliding40069115
22Capim Town47092115
23Elastic EnergyUntimed56115
25Drops of Jupiter525153115
28For Want of a Nail46087115
30Ragged Mountain650196115
31Sealed Chamber30064115
32Socket Shrine505114115
34Spirit River536170115
35Fortune Ravine500106115
36Charmed Ridge460116115
38Exit Exaggeration450118115
39Mysterious Geoglyph50065115
40Wealth and Corruption550151115
41The Dividing Line37038115
42Instigate and Exfiltrate700130115
43Verdant Cavern470126115
44Thunderwave Cave511121115
45Insert Name Here Caverns30060115
46Axis Point500143115
47The Toggle Station400107115
48Tank Game Reborn628131115
49The Sound of SilenceUntimed105115
50The Unwinding999190115
51Nitroglycerin Below 57F70098115
52Magma Cone30052115
54The Slaughterhouse Is Open for Business500132115
56Smoke Inhalation620122115
57Irradiated Radiator41094115
58Warehouse of Lost Hopes and Dreams600141115
59Clone Machine Factory38064115
60Fuego Ironworks700159115
62Unlock Block30019115
63Party Trap36090115
64Condemned Facility545153115
65The World Has Turned and Left Me Here450131115
66Tornado Alley700184115
67Manhattan StoplightUntimed40115
69Shady Oasis400109115
70Ski Resort Town780135115
71Amethyst Mine550123115
72Miner Setbacks830129115
73Three Boot Night660166115
74Dark Hollow34046115
75Canyon of Lost Color700120115
76Yellow Fever500136115
77Avenues of Zagreb794208115
78Salsa Verde51068115
79Drawn and Quartered and Quartered760147115
80Indigo Lagoon72554115
82Encrypted Malware450105115
83Polarity Isle45073115
84Piston It Away600151115
85Sokoban Adventure999294115
86Phantasmal Stalkers40050115
87Network Corruption433115115
89Hacking to the Gate50098115
90Decrepit Crypt600111115
91Airletter Shop600173115
92Glamorous Diamond Downs750157115
94Feat After Feat690163115
96Sour Apple Cider584110115
97Color Disaster Inertia710187115
98Closed CircuitUntimed101115
99Cosmic Express16095115
100The Most Interesting Block in the World720155115
101Barefoot Bandit39043115
102Minimalist Art Gallery62092115
103Illicit Logging Facility768254115
104Escape the Monotony25636115
105Beyond the Facades600129115
108Brown Note750162115
110Another Perspective999151115
113Power Plant Peril800213115
114A Love for Puzzles675108115
115Titanic Monarch615204115
116Sho Sheng Shui600129115
117Cluster Two999322115
118Lightning Before the Thunder800111115
119Unsanitary Waters60036115
120Fray Manor IsleUntimed218115
122Expanding Warehouse700183115
123Sandstorm Shelter810179115
124Dig Me Out650180115
125Holiday Spirits628201115
126Master Carpenter595192115
127Wastelands of Tabora999295115
128Fahrenheit Frenzy212102115
129Rundown RailyardUntimed171115
130Apocalypse Wow850227115
131You Break It, You Buy It50025115
132Prism ConcertoUntimed228115
133Emblazoned Altar560122115
134Flotsam and Jetsam888169115
135Crux of the MatterUntimed304115
136Molten Crater975200115
138Eternal Engine800153115
140Yet Another Perspective999220115
141World Revolution999254115
142Crown Jewels40028115
143Lagoon of the Low TideUntimed356115
144Culmina Crater999248115
145Pardon Our Dust730156115
146Broken ParadiseUntimed171115
147Lounge Act999333115
148Brute Force850194115
149Shadow of the Day994278115